Hypothetical Question

I've got a spring tsc CX at the moment. She has laid eggs though she does not lay great, she is on the same feed as my silkies and she is HUGE. I don't think if not with the silkies she would do well, she is so slow and stupid she would surely get picked on by the other birds!! All in all she's not a bad bird but will steal cat food any chance she gets. And, Despite being as dumb as a rock she has stayed out from under horse feet.
I currently have two cockerels that are half Cornish X, the result of the summer's last batch of Cornish X Roos chasing the Maran hen around. I'd been busy and didn't get around to slaughtering the Cornish X Roos until they were around 12 weeks. It seems that the freakish growth curve also means they hit sexual maturity faster than egg breeds. IIRC, my BCM roo wasn't into hens until he was about 4.5-5 months. For those that have had Cornish X hens, do they lay eggs at a younger age than egg breed hens?

FWIW, my Cornish X hang with the rest of the crew once they're big enough. Everyone lives in the horse barn, and free ranges around the barnyard. The Cornish X do sit down more and sound like a herd of bison when they run. But they do run!

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