I’m stumped


In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2020
I have successfully protected my small flock with electric net fencing for the last 10 years. Never a problem from a four legged predator until now. I got a glimpse of something a couple weeks ago, at dusk when I drove up. It was short, long, and quick. Dashed back into the woods. A weasel maybe, but I don’t know. The kill is different than anything I have seen before. The neck and head is severed at the shoulders and carried off. Only one to two kills per nightly attack. My coop is stick built, on 4 by 6 skids, so I have stuffed stuff in the bottom, on the two ends and then wrapped it with a sheet to create a visual barrier, so small predator can not crawl underneath. I lowered the fence a little and thought every thing was tight. i starTed to close the coop up every night and stopped the attacks. the fence is hot! One night I forgot to close up the coop and I had an attack. same mo. Neck severed and hauled away. So, my electric fence has been thoroughly defeated. OMG. Maybe it is an owl? But I have never had a problem with them before and there have always been lots of owls around. Any thoughts? I think the kill technique is very unique.
How tall is the fence? Is there a tree on one side of the fence a critter can climb and has lower limbs on the other? Bobcats, fox are very smart. They could have learned to jump the fence or use some structure to avoid the fence.
I second a camera. I finally got one set up last week and have a picture of visiting cat, rabbit and one dark shape I can't figure out. Apparently I have quite a bit of traffic passing through. I also have many pictures of my dog's furry butt as he runs out to protect his chicks.
It's an owl. That's their MO. And they move territories to visit good areas once in ?several years?. I had my first owl this year. Kept the chickens locked up 6 weeks and it moved on.
It's an owl. That's their MO. And they move territories to visit good areas once in ?several years?. I had my first owl this year. Kept the chickens locked up 6 weeks and it moved on.
Sorry for the late response. Crazy week. In your experience an owl would sever the neck? Makes since if they have a nest.

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