I’m worried about my 2 white chickens if both of them are girl or boy or one of them?


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2023
Hi guys I’ve been raising my chickens for 2 months and I still don’t know if my chickens are a girl or a boy? I tried some test and their behavior and they seem like they’re similar to girl or boy? And I wish their boy and girl because im excited for hatching an egg for the first time, but I don’t know if they’re really girl or boy? This is my second post on BYC
Welcome to BYC! Sorry, but I agree with Flockking, you seem to have a pair of cockerels.

They also seem to have been feather picked a bit - please consider giving them or the hens you eventually end up with more space. Are they living in that cage full time? Even one bird in that size of cage is, in my opinion, too small for continuous use. Commercially they do things differently, but typically, unless you're isolating them for medical attention, chickens are happier with about 10 to 15 square feet of room per chicken.

At the least, I'd buy an XXL dog crate (32"x32"x48") for them. I connected two of those together lengthwise to make a brooder, and I really love it.
In future, if you buy sexed pullets, your odds of getting cockerels go down greatly. Also, you only need to buy females to get eggs. They will lay the same regardless of whether there's a rooster.
Well I don’t think female hens will like them😅 but I’ll try to upgrade their cage I was thinking of buying a new chicken coop well I didn’t have enough money so I’ll just build one if I try and their always nice they sit always beside me like lap chickens.

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