I am alittle sad


8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Northern Idaho
So I moved my chickies to the big girl coop a few days ago. When I check on them a few come to the door, but they mostly just walk around, fly, hop & chase each other. They are LOVING it!!!! Such big girls. I am sad as it feels like they dont "need" me as much anymore. Am I alone in this feeling?

I am feeling alittle guilty too. Their run isnt done yet and wont be for probably 2wks. Hubby is gone till Friday, then we have to get the supplies and start building. I also havent put up their roost yet. Not sure how high to put it for them. I would only like to install 1 at 1 level. I am sure they are NOT suffering because they dont have a roost. hehe Just my guilt.
When they are little, they can fly real well, but depending upon the breed, heavy breeds shouldn't be too high up, as they can hurt themselves jumping down, especially with age.. Lighter breeds are all over the place! Of course you can always add/change roosts later as they mature. How well are they flying right now?

I have 10 that I've raised since Day 3. They are six weeks old almost. I have to sell them, as that was always the plan, but I'm gonna miss those little boogers. I purposely didn't name all of them. Only 3 got names... Two of which found homes today. The other 8 will be going to a friend, so that makes me feel a little better. Glad I didn't have to Craigslist them!
I have a SLW, BO, BA, BR, 2 EE & 2 RSL. They are flying pretty well. I would say they are roughly 7wks. I just might go ahead and install the "adult" roost and if they can get up to it, then they are the lucky ones. Is 4ft the normal height for a roost?
Aw, you'll feel that way for a week or so...

The chicks are just enjoying their newly found freedom!
When they begin to settle into the big girl coop, they'll turn their attention back onto mommy (you!).

Don't feel guilty... I don't have my roosts up yet either.

I wish they never grew up.
That might be a bit tall for the heavy breeds.
As they get older, it can really ruin their bones & joints having to leap down.

Mine will be in the 2-3ft range. But, my coop is also lifted from the ground so they will "feel" higher.
ME TOO!!!!! If I could find the pause button it would be just great. But I feel the same way about my kids, and I havent found the button on them yet. So not sure there really is one.
Oh well. Just enjoying them as each stage.
That might be a bit tall for the heavy breeds.
As they get older, it can really ruin their bones & joints having to leap down.

Mine will be in the 2-3ft range. But, my coop is also lifted from the ground so they will "feel" higher.

Ahhh so which ones are considered heavy breeds? Well maybe we will do 3ft. I want it high enough where I can put a poop board under neath it and to where they can walk under the poop board. I would hate to have unusable space.
That might be a bit tall for the heavy breeds.
As they get older, it can really ruin their bones & joints having to leap down.

Mine will be in the 2-3ft range. But, my coop is also lifted from the ground so they will "feel" higher.

Ahhh so which ones are considered heavy breeds? Well maybe we will do 3ft. I want it high enough where I can put a poop board under neath it and to where they can walk under the poop board. I would hate to have unusable space.

Ooh! Okay I get what you're saying.

My roosts won't have a poop board, my coop is lined with straw and cleaned every day.

Yes, you might need higher roosts.
I'm not good with chicken breed abbreviations (I'm a crazy goose lady) , but large breeds would be like... Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Buff Brahmas, Leghorns, etc.

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