I am devastated :( :( :( :(


11 Years
Apr 12, 2008
My lone little quail aka peepers died today. He wasn't eating at all and lived only to be 3 days old it is so sad. I really wanted a pet quail. It never gets easier to see them die. Atlest now he won't be lonely. Right?
did you grind the feed up? I found mine were dying cause the pieces were to big. I didn't know cause i never raised them before. Then someone told me to do that and they started doing better as babies. Sorry for your loss
Sorry to hear that
Try again!! This time try 6 - 8 eggs (at least). That way, the given percentage that are not fertile / don't hatch for whatever reason / or..... just does't make it because of (whatever ???) will leave the survivor(s) with at least some companions. Hey, if they all hatch and survive, treat the situation as though you retrieved some pets from the shelter..... JUST MAKE ROOM FOR THEM, AND ENJOY THEM!!!!!
Beware though........this quail-raisin'-thang is baaaad addictive
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Thanks for the advice yes I was gathering up eggs but decided I couldn't wait any longer so I put them in. I did grind up the food mabye not enough? I used a rolling pin and even but in mashed up hard boiled egg yolk. I can see from all the post on here how addictive the quail thing is and will give in to it.
Thanks he has been buried with a teeny cross for him.
I hope this don't sound too stupid but most of the time when I only have one or two make it from a hatch I kina momma them a little more then 15 or 20 birds, when I first put them in the brooder I put something shiny a dime or nickel works and I use my index finger to "peck" the food like I am eating with them some how this usually gets them eating my wife accuses me of baptizing my babies sometimes it takes more then once to get them to start drinking . I am really very gentile with each one. Some just need more help then others
I hope this don't sound too stupid but most of the time when I only have one or two make it from a hatch I kina momma them a little more then 15 or 20 birds, when I first put them in the brooder I put something shiny a dime or nickel works and I use my index finger to "peck" the food like I am eating with them some how this usually gets them eating my wife accuses me of baptizing my babies sometimes it takes more then once to get them to start drinking . I am really very gentile with each one. Some just need more help then others


I have done the same thing!!! and my wife will even cluck to them sometimes
. don't know if it helps, but haven't had one die yet from not eating around here!

About the dunking in the water, my little girl ask me about a month ago.."daddy why do you have to let them dry off before you get them out if you are going to dunk them in the water and get them wet again??" I had one chick that just didn't get the water thing the first 2 times
I use a coffee grinder (not the one used for coffee) to grind up the feed for my quail until they are about 2-3 weeks old. When hatching quail one must remember they all may not make it. You can try your best but some things are out of your control. Don't give up.
Thanks for all the suggestions. But what else could I use to grind up their food we don't have a coffe grinder and i mashed the fod under the rolling pin for atleast 5 minutes. I was a total mama to him to he wouldn't sleep unless he was in my hand. He could walk fine but when he started running he fell over. I think that he had unusually long legs for a quail. I will try clucking and the nickel thing.
Why dont you use chicken starter ?

The one i buy is just fine powder
I am limited to what we can get here but my quail that do hatch are growing ok SO far !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chicken starter does not meet their real needs!! They may do ok. on it, but for them to reach their full size, health, and reproduction potential, they NEED at least 26% protein.

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