I am looking for some large to medium pink eggs.


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Washington, NC
I am trying to get some true pink or pinkish eggs. I am trying for a colorful egg carton for my customers. I have dark brown BCM, Welsummers, Blue green Easter Eggers, Delawares than are some off tanish, Dark and light RIR's, I also have Black Jersey Giants. These are allin the hatching stage but I have qiute a few of each and hope for the best.
Does anyone know of a breed that lays a large to medium egg and is a decnt layer. Please let me know as I have a hatch going now but intend to do at least 1 more possibly 2 more depending on results. Thanks a lot, Dave27889
what about adding some white eggs for contrast they will make your others look more colorful. some times EEs lay pink my neighbor had one that layed a goldish color.
Faverolles will lay eggs that are shades of cream, light brown and grey, often with pink tones. They would be perfect for a rainbow egg assortment!
Ditto - I have one other hen (New Hampshire) who lays the most true of pink I have ever seen, but it only comes out that way every other egg, and she's all I have. Otherwise, my Brahmas lay pink eggs.
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