I am new at this


5 Years
Sep 17, 2014
Hi, I am new at chickens and when I was doing research about chickens I found this AWSOME website. So I still need help on which chickens will be the best for egg laying.:lol::D
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. If sheer egg production is your goal, I would recommend Black Sex Links (Black Stars). They are hardy and friendly egg laying machines. I have raised them for years and they have consistently been my best layers, regularly churning out more than 300 eggs per hen per year. If you want a standard breed (as BSLs are hybrids and will not breed true), I would suggest Black Australorps. I have also raised them for many years and they are extremely hardy, calm and gentle (my children, and now my granddaughter, made lap pets out of ours), and they are the best layers of the standard, brown egg laying breeds. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Whatever breed you decide to get, good luck with your flock.
Thank you sooooooo much!!! I will try both. I also wondered if there is a certain breed of broody hens that are the best moms?
Silkies are probably far and away the best broody moms but, that doesn't mean every single hen will want to raise chicks. Many do. Chickeners often gets silkies just to use them as natural incubators. When they are broody, you can slip fertile eggs of any breed under them and they will raise them as their own. That is the easiest way to get other breeds into your flock. Silkies are also good with children. Cochins and Orpingtons usually are good broodies also. The thing is you cannot force a hen to go broody. Their hormones control that.
Silkies are probably far and away the best broody moms but, that doesn't mean every single hen will want to raise chicks. Many do. Chickeners often gets silkies just to use them as natural incubators. When they are broody, you can slip fertile eggs of any breed under them and they will raise them as their own. That is the easiest way to get other breeds into your flock. Silkies are also good with children. Cochins and Orpingtons usually are good broodies also. The thing is you cannot force a hen to go broody. Their hormones control that.

X2 on drumstick diva's comments for broody hens.
Glad you joined us!

Breeds that are excellent egg producers include Leghorns, Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex-links, and Red Sex-links. Except for the leghorns, which lay white eggs, all of those breeds lay brown eggs.

If you want a broody hen, you can't go wrong with a Silkie or a Cochin. I've never owned Silkies, but I've heard that they'll incubate anything. I've had a few Cochin bantams in the past, and they went really broody every month or so. I never let them hatch eggs, but I'm sure they would have made great mothers.
Thank you all, I will look at those charts and see if they might help me (I think the will).:D:p
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Lots of nice breeds out there. I am a huge fan of the Black Australorps!! Very docile, friendly and love attention! They are super great on the laying! I have 3 1/2 year old hens that are laying just as well as they did on their first year!

Enjoy which ever breed you choose and welcome to our flock!

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