I am not trying to be a smarty pants but...

I've worked in bush crew for years on creeks and we get swarmed by leeches, mosquitoes and the occasional tick.

The cure:
I and most newbies thought it was discussting at first but the veteran bush workers swore by only washing your clothes once a month. If you're dirty, they won't bite you. It sounds terrible, and can get pretty stinky in the car on the way there, but it actually WORKS!!
Be stinky or get bitten by about 20+ leeches and who knows how many mosquitoes a day? I'd prefer to be stinky!

Also tight fitting clothes with socks over the pants legs will keep them out. This includes a hat, or better a beanie of bandanna if you have longish hair. The less material you have flapping around they less chance they have to grab onto you (less surface area!)! That's what I do in winter because it's cold enough to wear tight clothes under the work uniform. Beanie, tight t-shirt tucked into leggings, tucked into my socks with the work pants over the top. Bite free!!! Unless they go for the eyes... that was a really REALLY gross day

You could also try meleleuca oil mixed into cream as a repellent (goes well with the dirty clothes method because it make things smell nicer to you!) or lemon balm

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