I am so new to chickens! Any help is appreciated!

If this bird is only 8 weeks old it's showing a lot of comb, wattle, and tail feather development, so I'm thinking its likely a rooster.
The woman from whom I got the bird, was a bit vague about its age ... she guessed 8 weeks. What would be a reasonable amount of time to wait in determining weather it is a rooster or not? I want to find the bird a home, should it turn out to be a rooster. It's really difficult for me to figure this out, seeing as I don't even know just what breed the bird is.

i hatched recently and discovered their sex when they were around 2 1/2 months old. hope this helps.
The woman from whom I got the bird, was a bit vague about its age ... she guessed 8 weeks. What would be a reasonable amount of time to wait in determining weather it is a rooster or not? I want to find the bird a home, should it turn out to be a rooster. It's really difficult for me to figure this out, seeing as I don't even know just what breed the bird is.

I would post it again in about 3 weeks (full body profile showing tail and legs). By then its gender should be certain no matter how old it is currently. I hope for your sake, it's older than 8 weeks, and that it is a hen. Good luck.
Thank you for the guidance. I will let time tell ... what's the worst that can happen ... I need to find a home in a few weeks, rather than now. Or, as you say, just maybe it will turn out to be a hen!

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