I am sure it has been talked about a lot, Worming Questions


8 Years
Nov 16, 2011
Eastern NY
Hi, I was wondering what your worming routine is and what wormers you use.
Where do you get your wormers from?
I am not a fan of the type you use in water.
I have only ever used Safe Guard For goats I think in Pellet form.
Is Safe Guard ok to use?
How Important is it to Worm These birds?
I have only wormed my Chickens/Guineas once, Mine all seem healthy.
I use safe guard for goats liquid at 3cc/ml per gallon of water for 3 days and then repeat on the 14th day be sure it is the only water they can drink for 3 days each time. Then I wait another 14 days and then I use Ivermectin pour on for cattle. I use 1cc/ml and squirt it at the base of the neck onto the skin. It is ok if some gets on the feathers as only 1/2 cc will get absorbed anyways. I worm in the fall and in the spring. Safe guard kills roundworms and cecal worms and the Ivermectin kills the rest plus it kills external parasites to for 30 days. The 14 day wait is so the worm eggs that have already been laid inside your birds can hatch so you can kill them as well. Hope this helps
So Yoda you use both of them in the spring and the fall? Is safe guard pellets the same as the liquid? If you have a chance would you be able to send me links on where to buy this stuff online so I know I am looking at the same stuff? thanks so much, Also could I use the same routine on Turkeys and chickens?
So Yoda you use both of them in the spring and the fall? Is safe guard pellets the same as the liquid? If you have a chance would you be able to send me links on where to buy this stuff online so I know I am looking at the same stuff? thanks so much, Also could I use the same routine on Turkeys and chickens?
Yes I use both wormers. I never used the pellets so I would not recommended them as I do not know what the actual dosage would be. I know the liquid is for me the easiest to use. Yes I use the safeguard on all my birds even ducks. I don't use the Ivermectin on the chickens but would use it on the turkeys if I had them. You cannot eat any eggs during the worming process so be sure to toss them in the garbage during the first month. Here are links to buying them on Ebay, you can also check your feed store to see if they have them cheaper:
Safe guard wormer:
I picked up Safe guard wormer in Pellet and in Paste,
I also got Wazine and ivermectin Pour on.

Can you guys suggest a routine using these, WHich SHould I use first, what should I do next, Such as use the same one a few days later or switch to a different one, Can any be used together?

Dose rates any tips?
Pour do I just drop a few drops on the birds back? Under feathers? Thanks
Use the wazine first, it only kills roundworms only and will not kill cecal worms. I never knew safe guard came in pellets as it was never mentioned in the peafowl section. Be careful if you use them as those pellets and paste are made for horses and/ or large livestock and are not easily given to birds. Everyone uses safe guard lquid. Here's a link about wazine: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/410998/wazine-for-peafowl This link has the dosage for wazine: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/428652/wazine-17
But again everyone uses the liquid safe guard. Once you use the wazine then do the Ivermectin as I stated in post number 2. You will need a syringe without the needle or something similar with dosage marked on it to apply the Ivermectin to each peafowl.
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Is safe guard Pellet/Liquid and Paste all the same? Since I used the pellets, can I now use the paste in 14 days and get the same results?
yes, as long as you have the correct dosage.
I just had a fecal done on one of my peas and it came back good, so I know my worming schedule works for me. What I do is start with the safeguard for goats in their water for 3 days. wait 14 days and repeat, wait 14 days and use the pour on ivermectin 1/2-1cc, depending on the birds age & weight. I didn't think of putting it under their wing, I put it at the base of their neck between their shoulders, trying to put it somewhere they couldn't reach with their beak.
I originally got the pellets, but couldn't figure out the dosage using them. Can yo tell me the dosage using the pellets?
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I am not sure I have the pellet container in the barn, It has a weight for the bird and then it tells you to how many oz's to a pound of feed.

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