I believe I have a hermaphrodite chicken

And for those people out there who are still under the impression that somebody, other than Superman or one of the avengers, could come into my yard and put an egg in one of my coops.
Sorry sent it and wasn't finished. Last night a raccoon came into the yard and got on top of my coops. The windows open 1:00 in the morning I heard something but not sure what it was all I know is it woke me up and it wasn't very loud because I'm extremely light sleeper, but at the same time the dog looked up which meant there could be something out there, and there was. I really feel bad for that raccoon that came in here looking for a chicken dinner and I only say that turned up being a dog snack. It was quite graphic and brutal and a bit disgusting as I'm sure you can imagine. So if you want to come into this yard, best pack a lunch and bring a buddy, a really big buddy! That dog has bit me four times and last night showed me that he was just playing with me. He was not playing with the raccoon, and like I said I feel bad for it. Not because it died, but because of how it died! That dog will take on all comers and if you step foot in his yard and I'm not trying to be boastful or anything, but if you really think you can get into this yard and put an egg in one of my cubes I'll give you a thousand bucks if you survive considers you his chew toy. And if anybody is considering trying something like that, I would strongly advise against it,! But, if anyone is feeling lucky, then take your chances. I only say that because I know that for a brief moment my address was out there, trust me folks - it just isn't worth it!
One time even required stitches and they had to give me some blood cuz I lost quite a and I know everybody's going to say why do you have that dog?! Simple answer, I love the maniac, and every situation had an explanation. He was a rescue dog from a drug house and so he has issues. But he will absolutely protect this property and everything on it viciously to the death.
You know I refrained from posting this because it's really only hearsay, but my neighbor is a good old boy in his seventies, when he was a young boy and he was raised up on a farm until he was in his twenties and they raise chickens. When I told him of what I thought was going on, his reply was"oh yeah you'll have that sometimes and yeah sometimes they'll eggs. I said excuse me, you're the first person who said anything like that. And he told me that on the farm they would let the mother hen raise a clutch or two of eggs and yeah you would get roosters and hens, but they would only kill the roosters if they needed it for food or they were causing a problem so on his farm they always had several roosters and so I think in this environment where nobody wants a rooster but everybody wants a hen for eggs, every time a rooster is identified it's gotten rid of. So maybe this happens more then we understand because of the attitude towards roosters, which by the way I think make a wonderful pet.! When I got Vick home today I let him walk around a little bit in the front yard on his leash and several people did stop and say how cool that was to see a rooster or a chicken on a leash. And why not, anybody can walk a dog but it takes a special kind of someone to walk a chicken! So like I said no matter what Vic is or is it, the fact that this is an actuality is awesome and if we can talk about it seriously and professionally I think there's a lot more here to understand and that is really awesome! Don't mean to ramble, thank you for your comment and raise awesome chickens!
I was talking to a gentleman I had met cuz he approached me because I had Vic on a leash up at the Brew shop and he was talking to me and I told him kind of what you know what we thought might be going on and his response was that that's not surprising because he studies fish and said that in fish that happens quite often, the changing of gender so to speak. So yeah there's a lot out there that we don't know. A lot of people do not consider the fact that there are answers to questions that we have not yet thought to ask.
There are trees that change gender, ones that have produced only male flowers, can change to female flowers and then give you fruit. I have heard of this in papaya trees. I guess papayas aren’t actually trees but plants. But trees do the same in times of crisis/injury/shock.
”If there are too many of one gender in an area, some trees (and animals, such as clownfish and green frogs) have evolved the ability to change in order to better balance the ratio of male to female. It should be noted, though, that a tree cannot change from male to female and back again. Usually, when a change like this occurs, it’s from male to female.”
There are trees that change gender, ones that have produced only male flowers, can change to female flowers and then give you fruit. I have heard of this in papaya trees. I guess papayas aren’t actually trees but plants. But trees do the same in times of crisis/injury/shock.
”If there are too many of one gender in an area, some trees (and animals, such as clownfish and green frogs) have evolved the ability to change in order to better balance the ratio of male to female. It should be noted, though, that a tree cannot change from male to female and back again. Usually, when a change like this occurs, it’s from male to female.”
Well I myself have grown hermaphrodite"plants and flowers" that were pretty much a female plant but here and there you would find a male flower. And I do know from experience that in that situation the pollen taken from that male flower combined with the female flower will only produce female seeds. Which is the natural way and in my opinion better than feminizing seeds by changing their gender with chemicals and stuff like that. I won't mention the movie, but I suppose truer words couldn't be spoken "Life finds a way".
Jurassic Park! I'm not a huge movie goer, but fossil hunting is my second favorite hobby after chickens, and I loved the Jurrasic Park books and movies.😊
I myself like to go to the river and fish and then sometimes I also like to dig through the gravel looking for fossils myself. And then a river between beavercreek and Xenia I go there quite often, I have found shark teeth a mammal tease which I had a friend of mine who is a medical doctor look at and said it look like a human tooth but very old, then multiple horn corals and other cool and weird things!

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