I Built A Bridge!

IC so sorry for your losses but guess what...we are having a hatchalong! I have 6 eggs under Julie Taylor...all vital at this point
they are due to hatch on the 13th. On or around Christmas Day I expect Santa to deliver some Pita Pinta and some barnyard mix chicks to Norma who is sitting on a golf ball right now and Gracie Belle showing that sisterhood and motherhood go hand in hand has been co-brooding with Julie again but she will get her own eggs for the hatch a long here on BYC and will hopefully be giving us baby bantam cochins to start the new year!


YAY hatchalong! I remember we were talking about whether to give in to the broodies around the same time, but I didn't realize we actually made the decision/gave them eggs at the same time, too. That's twice the fun, can't wait!!!

And of course will be following your Christmas hatch as well... I'm trying to keep it to just one in December, although we all know how that goes... me and broodies, they always win all arguments, but so far, no other wannabes.

Question for those of you with multiple roos: is there a point when it starts getting dodgy between them? So far, Desi has been pretty nice to the boys (I swear he was smiling when the two were trying out their crows the other day), and while Frankie and Diego aren't exactly buddies, they're not fighting. I'm wondering if this will continue this way until I am able to rehome them, or if I can expect blood anytime soon. Your thoughts?

In my experience, the ones that tend to seriously fight (not just pecking to show who's boss) start to do so right away, so if they get along now, they should continue to get along later as well. Generally, as soon as the younger ones try to mount a girl, you should be able to tell... The one that I had to give back to his old owner would run after those younger boys until they would hide somewhere (usually very uncomfortable place). On the other hand, Gandalf (my silkie who is at the moment the alpha) actually encourages them... he will stand near by and watch and actually peck the HEN (very lightly) if she tries to get away from the younger roo. So yeah, definitely depends on the chickenality!

Hey everyone!! I don't have a ton of time to catch up on everything I have missed, but I have followed along. I have a big week ahead of me and need to be as productive as I can on all fronts.

I just wanted to share a bit of news with you all…. something you have experienced and I am just now experiencing… HOME GROWN EGGS from start to finish!! That's right, Sycamore Springs has it's first eggs from a pullet that was hatched and raised on the homestead!! Daphne, the white leghorn/SLW mix is laying… and oh boy she is laying BIG! Her eggs are bigger than her mother's eggs!! They are a very light cream color, a color I don't yet have in my basket! Other than her funky kinda ugly comb, I am really liking this mix!

Congratulations MM! I'm in the middle of a serious egg drought here, so quite envious! Can you tell your girls to send egg-laying vibes my way?

Gotta run... hopefully will have more time to catch up soon.
Hey there Bridge Club

Thank you all so very much for your kind words and support; you are all awesome and I could not imagine being a chicken parent without you

Having been a bit ‘out of it’ for a week or so, I have a bit of catching up to do!

Liz I know you are also going through a lot at the moment but your “grabbed my remaining cat carrier (stay healthy, Penelope!)” gave me a chuckle.

I know you love Desi and I totally understand and support your decision. Running outside at 04:30am to shush up 2 little roosters and fretting about the neighbours for just one week was enough for me!

I actually caught up with all three of my direct neighbours during the week to give them some eggs and apologised to each if the little guys had woken them up; none of them had heard them.

And yes, I can see why Diego has a piece of you heart, he is beautiful!

Good news that your flock seems to be settling and Grace is minimally warming to Frankie

IC It definitely appears to be the year of the roo .. 4 out of 5 is a bit off!

Reading further … wow, congrats on finding homes for 5 of your boys; well done

TG I am sorry to hear about Magic; so sad

Pooman as always, you sound busy! I have trouble keeping up

Glad to hear that Shaky appears to be on the improve but sorry to hear about your chick with leg problems. 9 out of 12 is pretty good I reckon.

MM wooo hoo and congrats at your first home grown eggs; very exciting!

In general news … while not having a hatch, looking forward to hearing all the hatchalong news.

In Bambrook Bantam news … while not being woken at 04:30am by baby rooster crows, I am been woken by Blondie’s ‘stop bashing me mum’ squawks! GodCilla (as she is now affectionately known) tolerates Blondie all day, no fights, no pecks nothing, but she insists on starting the day with a not so gentle reminder that she is the boss! Of course, this would not be an issue if Blondie stayed out of GodCilla’s way but Blondie apparently has a short memory and does not remember how the previous day started!

GodCilla is not laying yet. While not sitting on the nest all day, she is still semi-broody and will hunker down on anyone else’s egg if I do not get it out fast enough.

She tolerates Dusty and LuLu sitting in the double nest box to lay but whenever Blondie goes to lay, GodCilla sits in the coop a metre or so away from Blondie and squawks continually until Blondie has finished. “Intruder, intruder, intruder in the nest box” over and over again. It drives Joel and I crazy so I have no idea what it is doing to poor ole Blondie.

My final piece of news is that I have put out a call on the Aussie Thread for a mini-Cenere!

Yep, as I only have 4 gals now, sworn off hatches for a very long time and all this extra room, I am keeping an eye out for a Blue Bantam Cochin. No rush, just put the word out and watching Gumtree for the right gal.

Final bit of news .. I was checking out the IT Team Calendar and noted that no-one from the Support Team had put in for leave at Christmas!! Guess who now finishes work on the 19th of December and does not return until the 5th of Jan! Wooo hooo!!
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all the feedback on your rooster experiences. It sounds like it's all pretty dependent on the roosters in question, which is about what I expected.

Teila, great to see you back on here and to hear that your'e doing ok, all things considered. I love "Godcilla!" Too perfect! I'm glad I was able to give you a chuckle with my tale. I hoped it might, and that it wouldn't seem to irreverent under the circumstances.

IC and TG, you are too brave to push on with all your hatches! Can't you see the agony Teila and I are going through? Such impressive broody-mama-mamas!

IC, I was feeling very jealous about your success in rehoming your boys, but I finally have some hopeful news. I decided to contact the guy who took Lu and Cy to see if he had any ideas, and he said he'd like to take Desi, and it could even be on a trial basis in case my girls flip out when he leaves. He has a lot of space and he says he usually gives extra cockerels to his brother who has 5 acres somewhere up north or his cousin. All of our communications have been really positive and I know he'd appreciate Desi and let him crow. He has a docile bantam rooster now, and the trick will be making sure they get along, which should be the case, knowing Desi, but I guess we'll see.

So, that's a relief for me. After that, there'll just be finding something for Frankie, who is such a pretty boy - surely someone out there wants him! He's like a mini Desi with more blonde.

In other news, we got over an inch of rain today and the nestbox flooded! That's probably why I got no eggs today, but Rousseau and Lucy really seem interested in getting back at it. Does anyone else think it's weird that Lucy has taken 3 months off of laying and she's only a year old? She's been done with her molt for a long time now! But, anyway, with the three who are laying, I think I have one of the prettiest pastel egg collections around! And, I've managed to save up a dozen eggs for the first time in months! Progress! I'm catching up with you, MM!
Decision time! I need help!
I got an email last night from a cattle-rancher who lives a couple hours south of me (Hollister), with a few hundred acres and 4 hens. He wants Desi, but he won't drive further north to get him than a spot that's about an hour and 15 minutes away from me, with no traffic (which is rare).
The other guy still wants Desi, but he also has Cy and Lu and a bantam roo. He said the cockerels can go to this brother, and they'll all be taken care of, but he understands the dilemma.

What do I do??? Unknown cattle ranch could be amazing for Desi! Still basically-unknown, but very nice and forthcoming guy about 45 minutes away (who would meet me when I go in to SF Friday night), with one acre and a slew of hens and roos could also be great, and maybe better and maybe worse, but what do I know?

At least both of them would let him crow. No one wants Frankie. :(

What do you think???
Aaargh Liz, tough one!

Obviously, just my humble opinion and reached by reading your post but unknown cattle ranch with 4 hens sounds good.

While the nice, forthcoming guy is a known, there is mention of maybe having to move Desi again to his brothers or Desi being there, meaning Cy or Lu have to move if they do not all get along. The multi-roo choice may mean lots of shuffling around and Desi may not get to settle. Maybe a few ‘what if’s’ in that scenario.

The cattle ranch sounds like somewhere he could just go, be with his 4 gals and be contented with no shuffling, moving etc.
Liz I am so happy for you and Desi I can hardly stand it!!! That is really good news for all of us!

In other good news, at least for me, my first summer hatch girl laid an egg yesterday! Sapphire's daddy is a blue Isbar and her mama was a black Marans and she laid a perfect little DARK green pullet egg yesterday. She is Blue with black Splashes and a beautiful red comb and wattles. The contrast is beautiful. I have two Marans girls from the same hatch so I am hoping they will start soon.

I got 5 eggs yesterday for the first time in weeks: These are my only current carton fillers but

Sapphire..OE 5+ months
Willa 1.5 ...she is my first OE and she just started laying again last week
Blanche 1.5...Ginormous white egg
Godiva 1.5...Big light tan egg
Stella Easter Hatch 2014 7+ mos...teeny weenie tinted egg
Cass 6+ mos Mothers Day Hatch, homegrown Red Star...dark reddish brown egg

Liz you asked me days ago how it was possible with all of these hens that we could need so many eggs that I had to get some from a friend. Most mornings this time of year Tom has two whole eggs and two egg whites for breakfast and I have 1 whole and 1 white...that's 6 a day! The girls just haven't kept up. Which is why I am a little excited about my Christmas hatch of LF. Of the dozen girls I hatched this year most were in July and August and they have not started to lay yet. Gotta have POL first year layers to keep us well fed October-
Your dozen is beautiful!!!

Teila: LOL at Godcilla and
for your new girl whenever she arrives I am sure she will fill your heart! If I can make a tiny suggestion...getting birds 2 at a time can make integration way easier, the noobs have a buddy safety in numbers etc. I am sure you have thought about it but just wanted to offer that bit. Of course the "everyones arrives here with a friend" philosophy has resulted in chicken excess around here and I know you are limited in the numbers you are permitted so fee free to ignore me

Thanks for the thoughts and words about Magic. He was over 16 years old and an odd little fellow. He was adored by our daughters and admired by Tom and me because he was so darned resourceful and a total survivor. We rescued him from the pound thinking he would be a good agility dog...Corgi, Shelti, Terrier mix but then the girls got into Girl Scouts and so that never happened he and Erin did place second in Obedience Trials at the county fair one year. Anyway he was very well loved and he had a great life but it still is sad.

IC hope your egg drought is in its final weeks I think mine might be. Most of the rough molts have ended and with the summer girls maybe getting ready to start laying...one of my Ameraucanas squatted for Ike the other day...I may be getting better numbers by the first of the year.

Misty Mountain so nice to hear from you. How nice that you have created a great little super layer. Leghorns are funny. Some are so flighty but others are sweet and tolerant of humans. I had a pet white chicken when I was a little girl. Her name was Shirley and my mom says she was a leghorn but that bird let me put doll clothes on her and wheel her around in my doll buggy ...On Her Back!!... and she went broody and hatched a duck. Makes more sense for her to have been a White Rock . My mom maybe just assumed Leghorn b/c she was white. Anyway I loved that chicken.

I have been working on this post on and off for about 2 hours so I am going to hit submit now.
Decision time! I need help!
I got an email last night from a cattle-rancher who lives a couple hours south of me (Hollister), with a few hundred acres and 4 hens. He wants Desi, but he won't drive further north to get him than a spot that's about an hour and 15 minutes away from me, with no traffic (which is rare).
The other guy still wants Desi, but he also has Cy and Lu and a bantam roo. He said the cockerels can go to this brother, and they'll all be taken care of, but he understands the dilemma.

What do I do??? Unknown cattle ranch could be amazing for Desi! Still basically-unknown, but very nice and forthcoming guy about 45 minutes away (who would meet me when I go in to SF Friday night), with one acre and a slew of hens and roos could also be great, and maybe better and maybe worse, but what do I know?

At least both of them would let him crow. No one wants Frankie. :(

What do you think???
I don't know...but I am for whatever reason leaning toward the further drive. I have no reason to think that it will be better it is just nice picturing Desi on a cattle ranch in a rural area.
Aw man. Just when I was getting really excited about the idea of Desi on the cattle ranch, the guy sounds like he's backing out, because scheduling the drop-off/pick-up will be too difficult. Weird. I guess we're still staying tuned, but I had come to agree that the drive was worth it based on the sound of the place and the lack of other roosters. But, it's hard to know for sure.
Someone else just contacted me for Desi, but she can't take him until after the holidays. Maybe it was just getting past Thanksgiving weekend, or maybe it was my lowering the price on the ad, but Desi is suddenly popular! Maybe there's still hope for Frankie!

TG, sorry I forgot to acknowledge Magic's passing. It's really hard to lose an old friend like that!
That dark green egg sounds beautiful! Pictures please!
Do you use your extra yolks for baking? I'm always wanting more yolks than eggs. If you're tossing the yolks due to health concerns, may I suggest looking into some of the recent studies that debunk the idea that egg yolks are bad? The trend now is recognizing that most people actually gained weight on low-fat diets, and eating cholesterol doesn't make us produce cholesterol, plus most of the nutrients are in the yolks. That's what I've been reading, anyway. Food for thought! and for food!
Thanks for all your continued support on the rehoming front!

By the way, in more news: Rousseau returned to laying today! 14 weeks to the day after Cy hatched. And, funny story (in retrospect at least): last night I went into the coop to deal with all the boys. I mistook Lucy for Diego, and when I picked her up, she screamed like a banshee and scratched me up good! Then, she proceeded to peck everyone trying to sleep while claiming space back on the roost. What a piece of work, that one! Boy are easy, compared to some hens.
Aw man. Just when I was getting really excited about the idea of Desi on the cattle ranch, the guy sounds like he's backing out, because scheduling the drop-off/pick-up will be too difficult. Weird. I guess we're still staying tuned, but I had come to agree that the drive was worth it based on the sound of the place and the lack of other roosters. But, it's hard to know for sure.
Someone else just contacted me for Desi, but she can't take him until after the holidays. Maybe it was just getting past Thanksgiving weekend, or maybe it was my lowering the price on the ad, but Desi is suddenly popular! Maybe there's still hope for Frankie!

TG, sorry I forgot to acknowledge Magic's passing. It's really hard to lose an old friend like that!
That dark green egg sounds beautiful! Pictures please!
Do you use your extra yolks for baking? I'm always wanting more yolks than eggs. If you're tossing the yolks due to health concerns, may I suggest looking into some of the recent studies that debunk the idea that egg yolks are bad? The trend now is recognizing that most people actually gained weight on low-fat diets, and eating cholesterol doesn't make us produce cholesterol, plus most of the nutrients are in the yolks. That's what I've been reading, anyway. Food for thought! and for food!
Thanks for all your continued support on the rehoming front!

By the way, in more news: Rousseau returned to laying today! 14 weeks to the day after Cy hatched. And, funny story (in retrospect at least): last night I went into the coop to deal with all the boys. I mistook Lucy for Diego, and when I picked her up, she screamed like a banshee and scratched me up good! Then, she proceeded to peck everyone trying to sleep while claiming space back on the roost. What a piece of work, that one! Boy are easy, compared to some hens.
Flighty Pullets
My Ameraucana girls and Topaz are the wiggiest for sure. Topaz is the sole pullet from Norma's last hatch and I don't believe I have touched her more than once or twice since she was a tiny little thing. She hates me. The AM girls are not much better. I tried to handle them more but I am still the #1 enemy in their minds. I am probably going to sell the wildest of the two and Topaz ..who may lay a green egg, her mama is and OE... as part of a rainbow layer group flock when I start selling in Jan. I am going to list my for sale pullets in groups as "Homestead specials" and include either Buster or Waylon. People get a whole little flock from the get go.

I hope the AM girls lay nice blue eggs. The ones they came from weren't very dark at all.

Thanks for the input on yolks. We do eat yolks just not ALL the yolks. The dogs get our extras and are seriously miffed when we don't come through
Cyrus has skin issues and since Magic passed he has been getting an additional yolk in the morning. I think it has had a positive effect on his itchiness.

Glad Rousseau is coming through for you and yay for the uptick in Desi's popularity....There is hope for Frankie I feel it
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Hi girls.

Just wanted to mention about the diet stuff. The myth that eating fat makes you fat and clogs your arteries... Its just so so wrong. And the internet is awash with competing interests, dodgy science and lots of money to be made or lost...

My story. I have chickens now because i found this... Never thought of it before i actually cared about what i ate.
So, im generally always fit and healthy. But have also carried a bit of fat on me. I used to be mr carb, weebix, sandwiches, pasta. It was carbs in every meal.
Founf this stuff and youtube, intrigued me, so researched more. And it isnt backyard science, its proper doctors.
So 2 weeks and a craze of reading later i told my partner and we looked at it together then decided to quit the carbs.... At the time i had managed to stack on a fair bit of weight even though my labouring job meant i put out a lot of energy each day. I was feeling worse and worse. I was 125kg in a 6'2" body. According to the BMI scale obese, but i carried it well....

Amazing. Without adding any exercise, (and my work reducing due to slow part of the year) i was,losing fast. 1-1.5 kg per week. The changes were amazing. I had gone through life being hungry all, i repeat all of the time. Always eating.

In all about 6 months later i was back to 85kg.... That is crazy, it was so easy. And now im about 90, but im drinking with is whats putting the weight on.

What do i eat now.
Meat, Eggs, Fish, Bird, Veges, some nuts, a little fruit.

But you gotta remeber to eat fat. Eat the fat of the lamb. Its,good for you.

So if your gonna research this stuff. I suggest looking into the swedish. Their national guidelines now say low carb high fat. Not like Aus and America who say the opposite (along with the rest of the first world mostly)

Some interesting facts i found during my researches... Some tid bits
Human mother milk contains greater than 50% Saturated Fat
Cholesterol is found in every cell in your body. It is essential for cell wall structure and correct operation. Think of it like the frame of a house
Cholesterol is required for the production of Vit D
Your brain is half composed of Saturated Fat
If you do not eat enough cholesterol, your body will make it, because it needs it

Anyway, if anyone wants some more info or links to interesting stuff let me know. But i kinda dont mention it to many people anymore... It is a real bone of contention

End result, i have chickens now so i can have their eggs and eat their meat. Knowing that they have lead a happy life and have been fed a proper diet (lots of greens)

It has been a life changer, im not constantly hungry. But im furious, because my mother has all the stuff wrong. Heart surgery years ago, diabetes, she is becoming demented.... Im so sad about it, and i know it because she barely eats any real (animal) fat, instead terrible vegetable oils. Her brain (which is half Sat Fat) cannot rebuild itself..... The world is crazy

I'll stop rambling now. End result is thou i lost 40kg in 6 months, with ease, without feeling like im starving. 2 years on im 90 and have started drinking booze again which is why my weight has gone back up 5 kg. I'm not constantly hungry and its awesome

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