I Built A Bridge!

Hi folks,
16P, I'm sorry to hear you didn't get clear info about the girls' passing.
Teila, super cute about the girls on the roost. They're awfully pretty. I'm looking forward to seeing pics as they grow.

To my surprise, Frida broke the day after my last post! Somehow she got the message that I wasn't leaving any eggs for her to set on. Plus, I think everyone else was not to happy with her taking up precious nest space. I discovered there was a lot more pecking going on in the nest than I had realized, especially among the youngest three. I put a taller barrier inside the big box, to try to discourage them from pecking at each other across the box, and maybe encourage some of them to use the right side. This resulted in confusion at first, and then crowding on the right side, but I think it might ultimately work out better. Whenever I've tried to put alternative nests in the coop, they've ignored them, so I don't have a lot of options.

I also researched and bought a rat-proof feeder! I went with the "chooketeria," which seemed to be the best fit and good middle ground, in terms of cost. I read a good article on rat prevention in coops, that confirmed to me that nothing, not even killing them, would keep them out, because more would just come and they'd chew/dig their way through every barrier I put up. http://imaginacres.com/urban-chickens-how-to-rid-your-coop-of-a-rat-invasion/ There are a lot of rats in this neck of the woods. So, let's hope this helps! I know I need them out for the girls' sake, as well as my feed budget. I'm looking forward to it's arrival!
Please let us know how the feeder works. I have often thought of trying something along those lines but I didn't know if they really worked. The squirrels are eating us out of house and home over here. I am so fed up with them. I used to think they were cute but not anymore.
Howdy Bridge Club

Just checking in to let you know all is well. No news of note … I will try and get some pictures of Crystal and KiKi today.

Liz good news on Frida, she sounded like a real Broodzilla! Good luck with the rat-proof feeder.
I am sick to my stomach right now....

I just got the results.....

Faith was POISONED with malathion. We have never used that on our property.
I am waiting for the police to come. I am filing a report even though I know they are going to say we cant prove that THEY (neighbors) did it. The policeman asked me over the phone if I had seen them do it. HELLO! Do you think they would be stupid enough to do it right in front of me? All they had to do was throw something over the fence that was sprayed with the chemical. Can you feel the steam coming out of my ears right now? I am livid! #@!&^*
OMG 16 paws that is awful!

I have never heard of Malathion but did a quick Google search. Apparently it is sometimes an ingredient in the dusts used for treatment of lice etc in chickens. Sorry, I do not remember if you dust your flock or not?

I quote: Malathion is a non-systemic, wide spectrum insecticide. It was one of the earliest organophosphate insecticides developed (introduced in 1950). Malathion is suited for the control of sucking and chewing insects on fruits and vegetables. Malathion is also used to control mosquitoes, flies, household insects, animal parasites (ectoparasites) and head and body lice.
Malathion is a general use pesticide.

Any chance someone close by has been spraying?

Edited to Add: I hope it was not deliberate! I would be livid also! If it was, is there any way you can check your perimeter/grounds for any vegetation that looks like it has been thrown over the fence? Someone trying to cause harm could douse plant matter in the stuff and throw it over.

Another thought, do any of your neighbours have fruit trees etc close to your boundaries? Maybe someone when a little crazy with the stuff and over-sprayed which caused the vegetation on your side to become contaminated? Do your flock congregate close to the fences at all?
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Hi Teila,

The only thing I have ever used is Scalex and it is a spray you apply to their vent area. I don't think it has malathion in it but I will check. I just cant believe that they did not do something with evil intents because her exact words to me were" you will be sorry if you don't get rid of the rooster" Custeau was dead not more than 2 weeks after that. He was the exact roo she was wanting gone.
Since then I have had 3 more sudden deaths. It is too much of a coincidence. Something happened shortly before these last 3 were found dead.

We actually put our chain link fence up a couple of feet in from our property line. Meaning we have several feet of property outside our fence line, then there is an easement road that separates our property from theirs. I remember my son asking me why their Gardner was clearing the area outside our fence line which is no where near their property line. I find that strange now as well. They didn't clear the land between us just the area along side our fence which is well inside our property line. Very strange now that I think of it. I really want to go over there and ask them if they have been using the chemical. Do you guys think that is a good idea? The police are taking their sweet time, I guess they dont think this is much of an emergency but I do since we eat the eggs from our chickens and we also give them to family and friends and sell some too! I am going to call the health department and see if they can check the eggs for any chemicals.

These neighbors were never interested in having any eggs from us.
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It definitely does sound suss Marie but the 'how could anyone deliberately harm a chicken, or any animal for that matter' side of my brain is looking for other options; probably because it just could not handle the fact that someone could be so cruel.

The clearing on your side does sound suspicious and it sounds like there is nothing there that someone would innocently spray.

I am not sure if it is a good idea or not to go over and ask them.

If it was me in your situation, I would keep the chickens away from the boundary for now and may be ask the Police, if/when they show up, to enquire at the neighbours if they have been spraying or have that chemical on their property.

OK, they may not fess up to the Police that they do have it but just the fact that the Police are involved may be enough for them to rethink if they are doing it deliberately?
Yep; as you mentioned, there may not be anything the Police can do due to 'lack of proof' but I would definitely ask them to at least pop over and have a conversation.

It would be no drama for them and they should also realise that their presence may be enough to stop any deliberate actions.

Yes, please let us know what happens. It is just awful to think that this could be deliberate. Losing our feathered loved ones is hard enough but losing them at the hands of an evil neighbour is unthinkable!

You are in my thoughts

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