I Built A Bridge!

Teila Poor poor Dusty. Joel sounds like he has a great sense of humor just like you. I love your story telling and I am so excited about your pip. Surely there is more going on by now. Waiting anxiously to hear how it goes. Hope you have a 100% hatch and get what you are looking for.

Liz so glad things have settled down on the weirdness front. Sorry work stress has resurfaced and I am envious of your Truckee trip. I love Truckee. Agree the pics with Reggie are beautiful!

Did I tell you guys that my daughter has landed a job as a dog trainer? She also picked up a rescue Malinois to foster and has plans to adopt him. They are already a love match
He will be able to go to work with her most days. Her house backs on a two mile track that circles a reservoir and she lives within 10 minutes of National Park land.

Chicken world is status quo...I think/hope my Houdan Chicks iin their eggy pjs...are being set today or tomorrow. When they arrive they will be given to Julie Taylor and hopefully Gracie who is likely to join the broody fest in a week or so. If she doesn't and I have more than I feel Julie can cover I will have to keep a few in the house...such a tragedy.
because as much as I love having broodies do all the work, I do miss having chicks who I can hand raise.

Also my Brinsea is on the way...Going to do a test hatch of my New Hampshires then if all is well I will sell a few sets of hatching eggs this spring.

Happy Hatching Teila

MM hope you are getting some sunshine and warmer temps!
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I will respond to your posts Liz and TG later. Just wanted to let you know:

Day 20: Woo hoo! Some time during the night at least two little bubs have hatched! It is only early 06:20am and I do not want to mess with Cilla too much at this stage, but I saw flashes of a pale yellow and another darker colour.
Howdy Bridge Club

Tee hee Liz proof pictures as requested … Dusty now has minimal feathers on her chest, back, legs and now today .. neck!

They are not flattering but they do show just how many feathers she has lost.

TG good to hear from you. I believe you mentioned your daughter had applied for a position working with animals a while back .. I am pleased to read that she has managed to get a job in a field she enjoys.

Eggs being set, multiple broody’s and an incubator on the way may be your idea of status quo … not sure I would agree

So, we are now in the evening of Day 20 and we have 5 bubbies!! No pips in the remaining three but seen as Cilla is not going to be moving around tonight, these three have been left where they are until tomorrow; just to give them a chance.

I didn’t manage to snap pics of them all, but these are a start:

Howdy Bridge Club

Tee hee Liz proof pictures as requested … Dusty now has minimal feathers on her chest, back, legs and now today .. neck!

They are not flattering but they do show just how many feathers she has lost.
Aww! Gorgeous pics! Just a quick note from me to say congrats to Teila on the bubbies and to TG for her daughter's dog-training job!
I had realized I had probably missed a post so did a quick check online before heading to bed.
Beautiful bubbies, Teila!!
Thank you Liz, I am already smitten!

I know, I am a mean chicken mum but I could not let the day end without posting even more embarrassing photos of Dusty who has decided she does not need neck feathers either!

The chicky paparazzi has been working overtime!

Hey there

Had another photo session today with the Nuggets

Getting all five into one photo is no easy feat! They never stay in one spot more than two seconds!

This one (below) I am thinking Frizzle, but early days yet!

Beautiful bubbies, Teila! What a great little variety pack you got!
Those patchy molts are funny. Reminds me of Jan's molt this year.
Not much news here. Lots and lots of eggs are being laid, except by Frida. She may have decided she's done. Funny little hen.
Bettina has not progressed much beyond her general mild improvement. She's laying again (still those long thin eggs, which are easy to break in the carton), but doesn't generally leave the coop on her own. Her posture is still weird and walking is an effort. But, she's not getting worse either. I don't know what to do, so I'm not doing much and just enjoying our time together. She happily sat in the laps of two friends who visited the other day, so maybe she's just a sedentary hen.
I caved and put the saddle back on Rousseau. I think frizzle feathers are extra-susceptible to rooster claws, because she's the only one showing wear. Let's hope it stays that way, for Diego's sake! She sure does look cute in her saddle, though, and I think she knows it. (I know that statement requires a pic, and maybe one can be arranged later).
It's a dry, but lovely spring here. The wisteria is in bloom, and I spotted some little apricots growing for the first time on my 5-year-old trees. My recent pear grafts are blooming. Now, if we could just get some rain to take care of it all!
Hello everyone

Sorry I just sort of faded out there for a while but I was going thru some hard times with my son. Things are really not better but I thought I would check in and say hello to the bridge club.

Teila, those babies are adorable. I love the huge piece of watermelon for them, too cute. What kind of chicks are they?

Liz, I didnt hear what happened to Bettina. I hope she gets better soon.

Hi Tommysgirl, hope you and your family are well.

I have 4 broody girls here. Believe it or not, I have not given in to them. Just keep taking the eggs every day. I really want some chocolate brown eggs to add to the basket so maybe......hum....But I really did mean it when I said no more chickens... then again I really miss having the littles to watch....hum
I really do need help!
Can anyone help me out there?
Hey there 16P! Good to hear from you. But sorry to hear of your family troubles. Those are the hardest, and I hope things improve for you.
Bettina is ok - she's just been sluggish for a few months now. First I thought it was the molt, then chicken pox (which seems to have gone through the flock). But, I just don't know. The thing is, she hasn't gotten worse and she's improved to some extent. She just doesn't have the energy of the other hens, and if she does make it up to the back yard, she just hangs out in a corner somewhere, and her walking is strained. But, she's still laying off and on and still communicative with me, and I don't really know what there is to do about it, so I'm not doing much except communicating my love back.
I say, stay tough with those broodies! You'll get more bubbies when you're ready. :)

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