I can’t win!!! Swollen eye


Mar 11, 2021
So today I noticed 2 of my chickens with one swollen eye. And my Cochin eye is swollen and her waddle started turning black. Help!! Please tell me it’s just pink eye and not Coryza. No symptoms like sneezing, breathing funny, runny nose, my RIR did have a little bubble in the corner of her eye. I called around to ask for vet help and no one treats chickens where I live. I did find a vet 2 hours away I’m waiting on a call back from. In the mean time maybe I can get some advice. I am sending my husband to get VetRx. Just to try. Help!


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Poor girl! Wish I could help but I just noticed yesterday one of my chickens looks identical to yours! I hope you get some good suggestions and advice! At first I was assuming someone pecked her just above the eye which caused it to swell...but then saw your post and am wondering if it’s something I need to be concerned with (along with my hen with 4 chicks getting pecked at and another with a prolapsed vent 😩).
Poor girl! Wish I could help but I just noticed yesterday one of my chickens looks identical to yours! I hope you get some good suggestions and advice! At first I was assuming someone pecked her just above the eye which caused it to swell...but then saw your post and am wondering if it’s something I need to be concerned with (along with my hen with 4 chicks getting pecked at and another with a prolapsed vent 😩).
It’s most likely a respiratory infection. I did start using VetRx, but I can hear a little rattle when breathing now. I’m waiting on a vet to call me today.

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