I can has bunnies!!!??????

Pics would be great!! To work on her social skills, try using both hands petting her from tge head to rump in one fluid motion. It can help calm nervous bunnies, or socialize mean ones. It works on some rabbits, one of mine included.
Okay, I did the petting thing to her... It worked pretty well.
she's been a little friendlier to me this morning. I'm having trouble getting her to accept the buck though!!!
she just jams her butt in the corner of the cage... I think it's most likely cuz she's new. what's your opinion?
I will get some pics up soon
That is one of the best Satins i have ever seen!! Ok, the doe wont accept the buck. Try putting them in each others cages. They will smell each other, and will probably be more open to breeding tomorrow. If not, restrain the doe for a forced mating. Put her in the bucks hutch, rear end first. Hold her using the scruff of her neck and on hand under her belly. The buck should then mount the doe. If not, pick him up and place him on top of the doe. He should get the idea. Forced matings are a last resort. Try everything else before attempting one.
People who actually keep records of such things have found that forced matings are pretty much a waste of their time. A doe that isn't willing is most likely not ready, and she will most likely miss.

You just got these rabbits; moving is a major stress for them. I have known of a couple of pregnant does that miscarried because of the stress of rehoming. Most people quarantine new rabbits for at least a couple of weeks (a lot prefer a month) before trying any breeding; any diseases or parasites that they may have been exposed to could take advantage of the rabbits' stressed immune systems, and it's always problematic to medicate a pregnant doe.

Rabbit does don't do a regular heat cycle like some animals, but they do experience periods of higher and lower hormone levels. Before you take a doe to the buck, turn her over, and press just in front of her vulva to expose some of the tissue that lines it. The color you are hoping to see there is a bright, cherry red. A doe that shows that color is at a hormonal peak, and most likely will breed readily. Some does never get darker than a deep rose color, so you kinda need to know the doe to know what you are seeing sometimes. If the color you see is light pink, put her back in her cage - she most likely won't breed, and even if she does, she most likely won't conceive. No point in risking getting yourself and the buck torn up. If the color you see is purplish, the doe has passed her peak; she might breed, but the litter may be small (eggs that have been held for a long time have reduced fertility).
Forced matings are not a "waste of time". Many good rabbits have been produced by forced matings. Many breeders have found forced marines very useful. I am talking ARBA registered breeders, not just backyard breeders. Though forced matings are not as useful and should be used only as a last resort, they are by no means a "waste of time".
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Getting a litter only about 15 to 20% of the time isn't really a good return on your time - like I said, these are people who keep records, not only which doe was bred to whom, but by what method. Then you spend a couple of weeks to find out that she didn't take, which 80 - 85% of the time, she didn't; when just taking her word for it, you might have rebred her sooner.

(Incidentally, the people I am talking about were commercial breeders taking part in a study. I first read about this in an article many years ago, but have since had anecdotal evidence from others breeders who have tried it.)
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I am just gonna build trust between she and I... I actually did try a "forced mating" and she would. not. have. it.

I think I will try to breed them sometime soon though. I hope to get a litter kindling before cold weather REALLY sets in. If she'll let me of course :p
Is she a nice looking girl? I thought so, but i really have no idea what to look for in a satin... she was kinda a last minute decision

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