I can't even get an interview... NEW TWIST Post #107 !!!!

It's entirely possible that you can put in for having those days off in advance. I don't know how a company can expect you to be available every hour of every day all year around. They wouldn't keep any employees if they did that. People have days that they have appointments for. So, I would go to the interview and see if you get the job. It might not be as bad as you think.

I used to worry about things like that when I interviewed for new jobs. Once, I was told that if I said I was available for certain hours, then I had to stay available for those hours during the entire season. I thought that meant that I couldn't make any plans or appointments during those times. But, what I found out later is that you can put in for certain days off ahead of time.

Currently, I'm on call for my job, but I do keep the scheduler apprised of any appointments or commitments I have to keep.
check your local "jobs services" in your area... they can lead to temp work to a decent full time gig....

also... If your resume looks like it did a over 3 years ago you are due for an update.... A dated resume stands out like a sore thumb....

also, if youre trying to change industries that is fairly difficult without specifics as to how you'll be able to transition into their field and help them.
I am going to the interview, and I will let them know tomorrow which days I need off, I also have pre-scheduled appointments with my DR for end of June and first of July. Again, as much as I need a job, if they have an issue with me going in, being honest about days off I need, then I probably do not want to work there. In my experience, places that would treat employees like that starting off, are not great places to work. Most places now, are "at will" work places, meaning you can quit without notice or reason and they can fire you without notice or reason.
Good point, however not all states like our leftist states here subscribed to at-will. Karen do you know if your state is an at-will state? CA it doesn't matter, you fire someone, they sue you anyways.
Dont beat yourself up with wondering "why or if" you will get called. With the amount of people looking for work and people stretching or just outright lying on their resume, its literally a crapshoot. I went to a job seminar for a large company that was hiring for a large state funded project that would last a few years. I "listened" to people selling themselves and spewing "stuff" that was obviously false regarding timelines, budgets and deadlines with manpower. Whether or not the interviewer picked up on it or not I dont know. But I had a solid resume, with very solid job specific experience and heavy hitting industry references...............4 weeks,.......not even a call.

The moral of the story? It's not "What" you know or even "Who" you know.........it's who's the best "Liar". Kind of like the same process we use during presidential elections. We only vote for the "Best Liar".

Based on that philosophy..............ill never get hired and live out my days selling hot dogs on the corner!
Good point, however not all states like our leftist states here subscribed to at-will. Karen do you know if your state is an at-will state? CA it doesn't matter, you fire someone, they sue you anyways.

I am not 100% certain, but pretty sure it is. My job I had for over 10 years was that way, as was my two after that here. It is written in the paperwork you sign.
Good luck today! I am totally framiliar with the situation. Both me and DH worked at the same place, got laid off on the same day, and were unemployed for a year and a half. We just recently got jobs. I was in school full time, so it worked in my favor, but DH not so much. I completed school and the place I had my clinical training at was hiring, so I applied there, as well as other places. Got an interview and got offered a job! It's 80 miles one way from my house, but if I wouldn't have taken it I would still be unemployed and unemployment ran out awhile ago. I took a second shift position, because it pays a shift differential and I figure that will go towards my gas out there. It's a hospital system and in 6 months I will be able to transfer closer if we don't move.

DH ended up getting a job about 30-40 minutes from our house. It's 60 hours a week, 6 days a week!! He hates giving up his weekends with warm weather coming but, once again, it's a job that pays decent and is paying out overtime! No one is doing that in this market. His overtime pay each week will pay for putting both our kids in daycare, and than he still has his standard wage!

I am so grateful to being employed again, but I know it can be taken from us once again. Luckily we are working for MUCH larger companies than before, so I hold onto the hope that it won't.

Let us know how it goes!!
So i go to the interview (Group Interview) of course I am older than everyone else, which may well work to my advantage here. They do expect excellence from their employees, most of their business is Funeral Homes, so being professional and caring is an absolute must. You start at Minimum Wage, with reviews at 60 days, 90 days and 6 months. They do not give cost of living increases, your increases are based on how hard you work and how good you are at the job. They evaluate 1 call every day you work, they have a scale, if you are within an acceptable range you make an additional $3.00 hr for that day. So potential to start off making over $10.00 hr is there and doable.
They will call you in on occasion to fill in, they will not fire you immediately if you can't come in on your day off or beyond your shift. But they did state that if you do not help ALL the time they call you, you pretty much will be out the door. I can live with this. I filled out paperwork when I got there, specified preferred shift and it also asked about any days I could not work. I wrote down my specific days and I asked about that during the interview. I told her I believed in being honest and up front and as she had asked all of us to make sure we were still interested after hearing about the position, I wanted to make sure she was still interested in me as a potential employee.

She did state we would hear back either this afternoon or tomorrow and she would call either way. So now I wait. Not to pat my own back, but with my 1/4 century of Customer Service experience, I am sure that I will be offered a job. The mock schedule they gave us for FT Flex is definitely not 9-5 but it is very doable, will be a bit odd as I have not worked weekends or Holidays in over 15 years. They also have advancement opportunities and they do take very good care of their employees. She said last year at Thanksgiving everyone got $200 as a bonus. At Christmas everyone got $500 plus they had everyone do a secret santa list and they bought everyone $50 worth of items off that list.

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