I can't imagine living in the North....

Hey...I am near Edmonton....
It was freaking cold and my chickens did not fare well during the cold spell. An insulated coop with a heater didn't stay super toasty for them. I will be looking at chantecelers for any additional chickens i get as they are more cold hardy...
Love how the cold conversation brings all the Canadians out of the wood work.
I love wearing sweaters, and still get very excited when it snows, like everything if you are dressed properly you stay warm/cool. I am still trying to convince my mom wearing acrylic will not keep you warm in winter...
It is feeling very Christmas-y with all the snow and the temps are looking very nice for the Holidays.
Had to kick on the air conditioner at 75? No thanks! I don't see how you guys can stand the humidity and heat. I've lived in So. CA and I much prefer having winter here in UT. I've lost more animals to heat than cold.
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I wouldn't mind the winters here if it weren't so bloody humid. The cold just kinda soaks into you. I hate humidity, cold or hot. My sinuses plug up, and I used to get ear infections all the time when I was kid. Still get them now sometimes, too.

I miss the dry, clean climate of upstate New York. I want to go further north, you see, so don't waste your pity on somebody like me.

Sadly, I'm going to be moving down to southern Florida for a few years. My friend who grew up there frightens me with stories of fire ants and snakes and spiders and roaches the size of rats...
Don't know how people survive down there, the very thought terrifies me.
Fire ants? You can't tell us texans more about it! GRRRR.. Well our winter is moist and cold.. makes it worse. I don't mind winter in Colorado even though its supposed to be so much colder than our 20 degree minimum nights. I love the snow.. and here everything dies but there's no snow to cover the ugly.... so winter is not winter wonderland here.. Its DEAD winter.
We lived in the southwest for the past ten years. Two seasons there, green and brown. My wife is from Kentucky and I'm originally from Wisconsin. She always told me that she would never move to Wisconsin, but we did this past summer. The first time I brought here up here 20 years ago, we drove into town and it was 35 degrees out with the sun shining. Folks were out and about in light jackets and we saw joggers in shorts and t-shirts. She was amazed and thought everybody here had lost their minds. I told her that it been 20 below zero here for the previous two weeks and that it was pretty nice day in comparison. That's the same temperature difference between freezing and 90 degrees.

This being her first winter, after a cold spell in early December it finally got back up to 30 degrees one sunny day and I caught her saying "It's pretty nice out here today".
Wow, I live in south Florida we never get a break from cutting the grass, but we do keep plenty warm-- sometimes too warm
now it is in the 70's so the windows are open and the lawn is green, our planting season is the beginning of winter because in the summer it is too hot!!
BTW those are some great snow pictures!!!
I LOVE the Pacific Northwest!!
I grew up in NYC, hubby from Iowa, in-laws in Colorado, and my folks have a gorgeous home in Florida. I'd dislike living in any of those areas all summer long--especially the high humidity and/or lightning storms with downpours. Northern winters--too much snow and below freezing way too long. It rains here --like mist --for much of the winter but not too terribly cold for long and little snow (unless you go up the mountains to ski). The late spring, summer, and fall--weather straight from heaven! Rarely too cold or too humid. I love green all year and that's how it is here. We think of where we should retire and keep coming back to Oregon as its close to perfect for us.....
I'll stick with good old southern Indiana. We get a little bit of everything. A little bit of bitter cold in the winter, a little bit of sweltering humidity in the summer, and some of everything in between. I wouldn't want the heat heat heat in the south, but nooooo way would I want the horrendous amounts of snow in the north.

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