I can't make a decent dunky egg. Please help!!!

Cook them in butter or bacon grease. I can't really help you with the breaking of the yolks when you open the shell. My girls' shells are HARD! If the problem is that you break them when you flip them, I do have some suggestions, below.

Break eggs into a hot pan and cook over medium heat until the whites are set and stiff enough for turning.

To turn, it's easiest to have them in a pan with sloped sides ratherthan vertical, and to leave plenty of room for flipping. (Don't crowd the pan.) Slide your spatula under the entire egg, and ease it over. You'll probably find with practice you'll prefer flipping right or left because it's more intuitive for you.

I like mine over easy, so I turn off the gas as soon as I flip. The hot pan cooks the underside to the perfect doneness while I fetch the plates.

For over medium, I would guess you would want to cook for 30 seconds to a minute or so once flipped. It will depend on the size of your egg (bantam eggs will cook more quickly!).

Slide out of the pan and onto your plate or even directly onto a piece of toast.
Then Turn you stove down silly.

If were cooking like that, use bacon grease that way your arteries will completely shut instead of just clog.
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Then Turn you stove down silly.

If were cooking like that, use bacon grease that way your arteries will completely shut instead of just clog.

Mmmmm bacon grease might be tasty!

I like my white to be white, and even a tiny burn from butter and its brown around the edges - I'm PICKY ok!
I know well next time your here, PICKY up after yourself I came home to a fry pan with 1/2 inch of oil in it and dirty plates everywhere.
Wow. Lot's of GREAT ideas here. Thanks to everyone. I'm gonna try
them all and see what works for me. The chickens will be tired and the
dogs will be stuffed.

Nice looking omeletes there md. Is there a Merit badge for cooking eggs?

Windy Ridge, my girls shells are thick too and so are the membranes. Half
of my ruined yolks are due to poor cracking technique on my part.

Hot oil. Hmmmm. Regular vegie oil? Are they greasy? I've tried the bacon
fat thing. Yumm
Yep Veggie oil, I've not found them to be greasy, I put em straight onto bread or toast... They'd probably be greasy if you put them on a plate though - you could try papertowels, but they might stick to that.

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