I Caponized! ***Graphic Pics*** Not For Faint of Heart.

no, you stretch the stomach skin toward the back leg to off center the cut. when the skin is released, it springs back to its original position and closes over the slice in the gut, not requiring sutures. then the thighs cover the top cut.
Very Cool, never seen it so detailed !
That is why I posted this. I've been searching for weeks with only a few good pics and no good videos. I pretty much figured that if you want something done you have to do it yourself. Caponizing has been treated as ancient and only for the experts but its not true! I have never done anything like this and successfully completed six of eight attempts. I can only imagine the numbers that I could achieve with regular practice. The knowledge that I went away with will stick with me forever and I wanted to share it, thanks for appreciating it.
I actually used a large wrench for the wing with twine and a clamp and for the other, twine and another wrench with a keychain caribeener hooked to their legs.
It is ancient, but that doesn't mean it won't work!

When you say that they grow bigger, faster, and tastier than a cornish x, do you mean that the standard breeds (buff orp, australorp, etc) will put on weight faster and taste better than a cornish?

And about how much time do you think it will take per bird once you are halfway proficient?

Thank you in advance--we're interested!
You will also need to feed them like meat chickens too. They can put on weight too fast and get blisters or broken legs.
I'm going to be caponizing some roos and have been reading up on it.
good pics
Statix, Excellent job, thanks for the pics.

Caponizing is one of those things I've always wanted to do but haven't found the time / timing, but it just moved a notch or two higher on my 'must do' list.

Keep us posted on the progress. Did you leave any 'baseline birds' for comparrison?
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