I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Yeah, I would be worried that my dog would get into that, or the neighbors dog. He comes over on our property sometimes, and the fox seems to run almost straight up and down the property line. We'll get him eventually, hopefully before he kills any more of my hens. Really thinking about that hotwire too, it would deter so many things. Once whe have our perimiter fence up....
OMG, the fun never ends, eh?! (sarcasm) Best of luck getting those darn coons!

I just re baited 2 more traps lets see what I get tomorrow.
I am slowly eradicating these nasty things
GREAT JOB keirys!! I too live near the city and would be afraid I'd catch our "mouser" cat (which fortunately leaves the chickens alone) or a neighbor's cat. I'm using a live trap with large marshmallows. So far I've only set it twice, and caught one the second night. I need to keep it set... but am afraid the stupid ants around here would eat the marshmallows before the raccoon gets to them. :) If we all work together, we can slowly diminsh those nasty buggers. (yes, darnit, they are kinda cute, but I've seen their work, so they must DIE in my opinion.) I agree with tossing them out for food to the other animals out there. (I had to have my father in law shoot the one I caught... no remorse) -
Before anyone jumps and tells me how well cats keep mice populations down, I will say that coons and free range/outdoor cats are on the same playing field. They are incredibly destructive and efficient predators that I will kill on site at all times. I appreciate and place my native wild bird populations far ahead of any cat that is allowed to roam freely. Great job on the coons keirys!! Keep it up!

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