I decided to join you all

That's the only pic I have on my phone, will get more later.

@Mutt Farm

Nice looking stalls! Mine aren't quite that nice lol, I bought my first 10 without being set up, it was kind of a compulsive buy while my second cousin and I went to rural King, it's like tractor supply but they have better prices, I bought basic supplies and 10 chicks from them, drove home and set it all up in the stall, like you I had to chicken wire some places and the windows in the stall, they have been in there ever since, i think the Australorp chicks were 2.50 each and the rest I ordered from McMurry because it was late in the year and nobody had the breed I wanted besides my Australorps. I have videos but don't really have pictures to share yet.
Your stall looks GREAT! Nice sunshine, fresh air, tons of room! We just don't use cinder block here for earthquakes.The walls gotta wiggle! I just slapped chicken wire on what I had for a run. Your roost looks super. I had to re-do mine 3 times. Please don't use the word compulsive here...we are all enablers. It's called chicken math.
There's one gal that has chickens laying eggs in an old office chair in her basement cause her coop still isn't finished! She's a crack up. I have 1 Black Australorp. I love that chicken! Looking forward to more pictures. What breeds did you get?
You're stall looks GREAT! Lots of sunshine, plenty of room. We just don't use cinder block here for earthquakes. The walls gotta wiggle. I just slapped chicken wire on what I had for a run. Please don't use the word compulsive here. We're all enablers. It's common sense chicken math. Get the chickens then figure it out, order more chickens while you're figuring! Sand vs shavings: Yup from me. Shavings were a yucky cleanup. The sand dries the poop. So easy and sanitary. Mine came from a nursery, leveling sand, no dust, like beach sand. They love to dust bath in it. You can look into a poop board for underneath the roost, some folks swear by them. What breeds did you get? I look forward to more pictures.
ETA I thought I lost my last post so this is a bit redundant.
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That picture was actually at night after I finished building the roosts and half the nesting boxes, the heat lamp I have in there now is a CFL spotlight and burns in the daylight spectrum and the stall lights were on, those are daylight 100w CFLs lol need to move the heat lamp but they can't get very high on the roosts yet to poop on my lamp so I'm not worried enough to move it. I will have 10 Australorps, 30 Ameraucana and 4-5 the hatchery threw in as heat birds for safe shipping, I think one may be a turkin because it has a bald neck but the neck isn't as red as pics I saw of turkin chicks, I just know it's no bigger than my ameraucana chicks and it sometimes gets aggressive with them, but it leaves the Australorps alone due to there size I'm sure. So 9 brown layers, 29 blue layers than 4-5 I have no idea what they are and I ordered 2 roosters, one ameraucana and one Australorp. I plan to sell eggs to offset this entire project and feed costs.
Most of the materials that I used to build stuff out of in the stall was either given to me by a buddy in construction that gets to keep materials they demo or was already in the barn from the previous owner, I had to hang a storm door (from previous owner) on the room before the 3rd stall that the guy just stored pieces of wood and horse supplies in, I opened it with the stall to make a bigger coop to accommodate the 22 more chicks I have coming. I put the nesting boxes and the smaller roost in the first room and the feed/water and large roost is in the stall. When there older I will let them run in the area the other two stalls are to eat bugs and stuff, those aren't secured yet but no critter has ever gotten in.

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