I don’t know what to do...


Mar 26, 2017
While I was at violin lessons, a hawk flew down and decapitated my chicken. Ivy, the other, hid behind the shed and watched her only sister be killed. We are devistated. I came in to check on her this morning, and she wouldn’t come near me at all. I don’t want to hurt her, and because she is my only chicken now I want to keep her safe. What should I do to get poor Ivy to trust me again?
Sorry for your loss. First thing to do is to fix your pen/coop so that she is safe. The hawk will return. It takes them time to recover from the stress of a predator attack. Eventually you may want to get more hens - chickens are flock animals and feel happier and more secure with company.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hawks are probably one of my worst predators because they aren't easy to get rid of besides killing them. Remember to give Ivy lots of love and care. She will be very lonely for the next week or so. I agree with @sourland. Make sure your pen is safe since there is only one chicken left and you don't want that to happen again. I also agree with @Jessica Thompson. Mirrors with help a lot with her. Good luck. :)
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hawks are probably one of my worst predators because they aren't easy to get rid of besides killing them. Remember to give Ivy lots of love and care. She will be very lonely for the next week or so. I agree with @sourland. Make sure your pen is safe since there is only one chicken left and you don't want that to happen again. I also agree with @Jessica Thompson. Mirrors with help a lot with her. Good luck. :)


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