I don't get it...WHY ee and not ameracauna?


8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
Eatonville, WA
I'm a newbie, but I know full well that my 2 ameracaunas are ee's, despite the label at the feed store. I'm fine with that, and knew it going in...Lily and Dolly are sweet and welcome additions to our flock.

My question is this: I understand that all hatchery ameracaunas are ee's, but why? Are they selling crosses to improve temperament or laying ability or egg size or something? I don't mean to offend anyone here, I'm just wondering...Hatcheries sell other rare breeds, so why the cross breds on these ones?

Thanks for humoring a curious newbie!

McMurray states on their site their birds are not for exhibition and are bred for egg laying and colored eggs. So yeah, they're sacrificing specific colors and traits for egg laying. Face it, that's what most hatchery birds are for, egg laying.
Ameraucanas must have slate legs, lay blue eggs, have a pea comb, have a beard and muffs, be a recognized color, and must breed true. These are some of the main things that make an Ameraucana an AMeraucana. EE's often have green legs, can or can not have a beard/muffs, sometimes have mixed combs (ex. pea crossed w/ single) , can lay any color of egg (usually green), can be any color and do not breed true. I am no expert, but this is how I understand it.

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