i dont know how to handle easter eggers.

Is there any way you could bring her inside and give her some special one on one time?
I had a hen that was kinda the same.... I turned an old dresser into a smaller coop for her... After about 2 weeks of her being in the dining room with all the crazyness of our house hold she chilled... Just a thought
Haha i wish =( if i could, id let all my chickens chill in the house LOL but yeah my family is very cautious from the diseases chickens can have. So its a no-no letting grown chickens in =(
I have only one EE. Ziggy must be weird, as she is the friendliest, nosiest chicken I've ever seen. She follows me or anyone, and she pokes her beak into everything. Don't leave doors open if she's behind you.
I have a paranoid EE as well. We just chalk it up to her being crazy.

She will run around like Freddy is after her or something.

I just have water and food in different hiding places so she can go hide behind something to eat.

Even though no one bothers her; she's just a scaredy cat.

maybe have obstacles and small water/food dishes behind it so she can go eat in peace by her self? works for Yang my EE.
I had some that where just about two weeks apart and they would not accept three of the younger hens for nothing. I had to keep them apart until they where all the same size and age did not matter. You may just have to leave them apart until spring. Just a thought.
I have 2 EE hens and 1 EE roo and 1 hen is friendly and let's you hold her, the roo let's you hold him and they both run out to greet me. However, the other hen, Chunkers, is amazing. Since, I had her she wants to be held, hops on my lap... I'm sorry for your bad experience with them....I hold all my chickens daily.... some seek it, while the others don't
I have only one EE. Ziggy must be weird, as she is the friendliest, nosiest chicken I've ever seen. She follows me or anyone, and she pokes her beak into everything. Don't leave doors open if she's behind you.
I have an EE too. Sylvia will follow you around everywhere too.

@undine , I suggest handling your easter egger more often to get her use to you. i have almost wild games and tamed them by petting them everyday.
Hmm, I have 3 EE's. Two don't really care for people and one is super friendly, BUT the super friendly one had someone beat her up once and she is paranoid of who is around her. I found that if I trim her cheek feathers down to where she can see things better she is much less freaked out.
I've only been raising chickens for about half a year now, but I've done my research of each breed of chicken before raising them. I like all personalities (-2) so far; some of my chickens could be mean to the others, but hopefully, thats normal. Anyways, I've been losing my patience recently. My 5 1/2 month Easter Egger that I've been raising ever since she was a baby still sees me as a stranger and freaks out like no other when I approach her (I read they're the most timid type of chicken, but I didn't realise HOW timid that would be... I really like them because of their fluffy cheeks and the beard they grow haha). The 4 month easter egger was an addition that I added along with the silkie 4 months ago. When the babies turned a month old, I put them together along with the older chickens in the quarantined area, but in very close proxminity with the older chickens so that they'll get used to each other. Its been 3 months now and the older chickens still haven't gotten along with the baby chickens... which annoys me a lot. The older chickens are very territorial when it comes to food, so the two babies hardly eat unless I'm there feeding them huge scoops of cooked rice mixed with chicken meal to them. The silkie has no problem with that. The baby easter egger on the other hand (I don't know what traumatized her) gets scared of every little thing; she literally poops when getting scared. A chicken that passes by her (doing no harm) makes her jump, freak out, and run all over the place causing the other chickens to react and chase her. She'll rarely eat because she's always on constant watch over the other chickens to see if they're going to "attack" or chase her. I'll even bring her out of the fenced area (a secured place) just to feed her so that she'll eat without any disturbances, but even then she's scared of every tiny thing. There are no chickens around her, but she still acts like everything is out to get her.. Im really deciding to re-home her, but I cant beacuse i want to keep the silkie. If i rehomed her then id have to rehome the silkie along with her because theyre a whole tiny flock. I really want to keep the silkie because he has the cutest personality ever :D So right now i don't know what to do. I don't think space is the issue because with the amount of chickens i have, they still have a lot of space to be running around.
My EE is the same way. I just ignore her and go about my business. I actually trapped her and held her today but she wasn't happy about it. I would just ignore her and let her act how she wants and mess with the chickens who are tame.
I have 2 EE's, one has always been easy to handle, pick her up and she's a doll. The other was skittish until she started squatting and now she is quite docile too.
I have an EE too. Sylvia will follow you around everywhere too.

@undine , I suggest handling your easter egger more often to get her use to you. i have almost wild games and tamed them by petting them everyday.
Thats what I do. The 5 month EE has always been scared of humans ever since i bought her from mypetchicken...no matter how much shes held.

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