I don't like my eggs :( ???

Technically speaking I believe fresh eggs are strong tasting because part of the egg, the air cell, is still intact. Over time the air cell breaks down and air from outside the egg enters and the egg loses much of it's flavor. Liken it to freshly roasted and ground coffee compared to a 3 month old can of Folgers that's been sitting in your cupboard. The fresh and strong flavors in the free range or freshly laid eggs are quite rich... Check out this site for more info:


Basic Egg Facts

Air Cell
The empty space between the white and shell at the large end of the egg.

When an egg is first laid, it is warm. As it cools, the contents contract and the inner shell membrane separates from the outer shell membrane to form the air cell.

The candler uses the size of the air cell as one basis for determining grade. In Grade AA eggs, the air cell may not exceed 1/8-inch in depth and is about the size of a dime. The air cell of Grade A eggs may exceed 3/16-inch in depth. For Grade B eggs, there is no limit on air cell size.

As the egg ages, moisture and carbon dioxide leave through the pores of the shell, air enters to replace them and the air cell becomes larger.
The ONLY way to really eat and enjoy a farm fresh egg is to poach or fry with lots of the yolk still soft and golden yellow....then dip homemade bread in the yolks! Wiping the plate of that last bit of yolk and popping that bread in your mouth is one of life's simple pleasures! Don't try to mask the flavor.....simplify it and taste it for what it really is....like the sun has exploded in your mouth! THAT is what farm eggs are all about!
bigmike&nan :

Technically speaking I believe fresh eggs are strong tasting because part of the egg, the air cell, is still intact. Over time the air cell breaks down and air from outside the egg enters and the egg loses much of it's flavor. Liken it to freshly roasted and ground coffee compared to a 3 month old can of Folgers that's been sitting in your cupboard. The fresh and strong flavors in the free range or freshly laid eggs are quite rich... Check out this site for more info:

Geeze! Way to take all the romance and mystery out of it for us! LOL

Very interesting...

When my pullets started laying it took a little to get use to the stronger, eggier taste of yard eggs; but now I'm a total egg snob. My baking tastes better and I can't go out for breakfast anymore. I used to love breakfast out, but now it just tastes and looks WRONG. Give it a try, with kids they say it takes 7-12 trys before they will accept a new food. I've also had a similar issue with grass-fed beef. It has a stronger, beefier taste than conventional beef, but now I prefer it over standard beef.
Well, when I got one of my pullets, the lady said that the eggs will not taste good without a male. I never had a male, and the eggs taste good, and then with the whole rooster mating with my hens(the roo is wild) the eggs still taste the same.
yummmm... I had farm fresh eggs for supper!!!
the taste just doesn't compare to store bought eggs.
Everyone who gets eggs from us comes back for more, they can't believe the taste!!
I wonder if the taste has anything to do with what you feed them? we feed layer feed, (oyster shell) scratch grains, and cracked corn, plus vegie scraps from my kitchen.
Thanks everyone. I do think that eating a fried egg would be a bit easier b/c I won't be *thinking* my scrambled eggs are saturated in mustard subconciously
I KNOW they are much healthier for you, that's why I want my kids to eat them. But of course, my kids eat my tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, all that stuff that I pick off my burgers/salads...I am a relally good mom, I make sure my kids eat healthy, even if I can't stand the stuff
OH we LOVED the farm fresh ones right away! We tried one store bought one and one farm fresh...We didn't know what was what cuz we cooked for each other. We BOTH picked the farm fresh egg as being tastier! THey are the best! AND they have WAY more omega 3 fatty acids in them then regular store eggs! Plus there are a lot of other benefits I think they ahve more vitamin E and many other vitamins. If you google it you will find it. Great benefits in farm fresh eggs vs store bought!

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