I FIXED THE PICS! Finally uploaded properly!*Warning, objects in this thread are every bit as cute


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 7, 2010
I finally got my cheep cheeps :) Seven Wyandottes (five columbians, two silvers) and one Ameraucana. I had them in the house for a few weeks while I was still cleaning the coop, and I wanted them in my space for a while until I felt confident they were all healthy enough not to be checked on 8 times a day (one had an eye infection, and one died a few days after I bought her). I hope they are all females but time will tell, I am fine having one rooster but more than one and I'll be visiting the auction with him or them.

Before I moved them outside I took some cute pictures with them and my human baby :) There was a fun contest on a facebook group I'm part of so I thought I'd partake. Here's some of the out takes and the official pic entry...

I didn't get the lighting very well on the first session, Nathan was tired and in need of a booby so it was a short session of trial and error lol.

I like the lighting and his face in this one, but it only had one chick in it and it wasn't playing a good interactive role lol.

He's trying to suck his lips off, a good indicator of what he'll look like in 90 years lol

I like how the chick is in this one, still not liking his shirt and the pillow cover patterns together.

The second session, I did better with the colors and his placement. I love the look on his face here "whoah, are those for ME?"

The Ameraucana was clearly enjoying herself "Lookit ME, ooh this camera is here for ME? Aren't I pretty!?"

Official contest entry pic, lots of cute factor in it, I like the lighting and his expression. The baby toe toes are a great plus too :-D

Finally I put them in the home they belong in :) This coop was full of poop! Two feet of hard packed dry poop and composted straw inside. There was poplar trees overgrown right in front of the door almost, as well as piles of hoarder junk (also from previous owner)

Next the exterior work! The wire is coming down so I can paint, then we're rehanging it higher so I can actually get in there.

Nice and close to the horse barn, so I can spend lots of time checking on them and visiting while doing horsie things. I have a plan for a mural on this side wall. We also have some new tin for the roof, to be completed this summer!

Everything around here is/was so overgrown. I love how whomever built this coop thought that trees make good post structures LOL. Same person who probably hammered barb wire into the trees around the property line.

Mow, thinking if he can only find a way in, he's got a smorgasboard waiting for him. This coop is tighter than fort knox :) I don't even think a mosquito fart can get in. Once they are fully grown, he won't think they are such easy game.

My baby cheep cheeps, all comfy and loving the space

I couldn't get the whole coop in one pic, it's about 10' by 12'... On the right side theres an eight spot nesting box with lids on hinges and an alley in the front for eggs to roll down (in theory). It was FULL of manure, I have no idea how the chickens fit in there to even poop. Gross that people would eat eggs laid in such filth.

I got lots to do still but at least I finally got the inside cleaned good. The packed down old manure went right up to the hatch door. So disgusting, I even got sick one night after spending an hour in there shoveling without a mask on. Someone put lots of work into building this shed into a coop, fully insulated every nook and cranny, built that huge nest box, it even had all the supplies in there I need including a thermostat for the heat lamp. But then they never cleaned it, I"m assuming different people kept birds here after the initial owners built everything.

It feels good getting this place back to life again, it's been empty 2 years before we bought the house. Everything was left neglected, overgrown and piles of junk every direction. THe horse barn was FULL of junk from corner to corner. Someone built the frame nice and even had the sand packed down and prepared for concrete. I know the original owners built that horse barn and I think the husband lost all interest in this place after his wife died. So sad...

Neighbors told me the history of this place and I find it interesting. It gives me even more satisfaction for all our little improvements when I know the people who built everything did so out of love for their home. Mr. White was apparently quite the carpenter... He must have been so heartbroken when Mrs. White died, he probably couldn't stand being here anymore.
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I get a window saying because of my browser security settings the editor is unable to post directly... I looked in my settings and it basically allows everything except pop ups :-S
Love the baby toes!
Great shots, especially the last one with all the chickies checking him out, and he's checking them out. Also - what sort of owner leaves so much poop in the coop? Those poor chickens. I can see yours are going to have a much better life.
Great shots, especially the last one with all the chickies checking him out, and he's checking them out. Also - what sort of owner leaves so much poop in the coop? Those poor chickens. I can see yours are going to have a much better life.
I think the exterior wire fell down first then they just locked them in the coop, for what must have been years :-S The piles of junk around here was quite something to behold (hoarders clearly). Clean critters are happy critters :)
Your son is such a cutie pie, I hope the chicks didn't "dump" on him. I envy your determination and energy is doing your best to put things right.
My suede saddle seat got turded on many times in the first session, but the second one was so quick no body pooped. I got a picture of one of the Columbians sitting on his head too lol. I'm not much of a germaphobe and know I'd clean it off him faster than he'd realize what happened. I can't tell you how many times I change him in a day from the spitting up on himself, leaking diapers and massive amounts of drool lol. They say children raised in homes that have pets have naturally stronger immune systems. Exposure to small amounts of bacteria keep the antibodies in good shape, there they are pumpin iron and counting reps LMAO.

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