I forgot to post about our interesting find! Now with a pic!

M To The Maxx

10 Years
Jul 24, 2009
About 3 weeks ago I was out with the chickens in the backyard when I saw 2 Hawks land in our yard and started attacking a black figure. I ran over to investigate and I saw these 2 Hawks attacking a BSL hen! Not mine but I kicked the Hawks off of her and got her cleaned up. We did not know where she came from so we aqsked everyone with chickens in our neigborhoos who has chickens if they lost one and they said no so we got a new hen! She does not have any feathers on the back of her head but they are already starting to grow back. We quarantined her for 2 weeks and we introduced her to the others last week and she already is apart of the flock. I will try to post a pic of her tomorrow but I have a baseball game so you may have to wait a day!
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Oh, I am so happy you rescued her! She is one lucky girl. I have Red Tailed Hawks all over the place and while I think they are beautiful to see, they better stay away from my girls. Thank God you saw them and were able to react so fast.
sounds like Chicken Little fell out of the sky. I'm glad that you were able to save her.
Nice job, Maxx! She is a pretty girl, with bright eyes! I can't help ya with names. I have very very few chickens with names. Mine are like:
Big Blue
Little Blue
Big Black
Little Black
Mr. Friendly (a friendly little chick now grown rooster)

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