*** I Got A Broody! ***


I failed Chicken Math
9 Years
Jul 18, 2010
Central Florida
And don't get me wrong...I'm very thankful! BUT--I wasn't counting on it being one of the 2 banties I have. I was thinking about slipping some BO/BR eggs under her, but then I picked her up and it looks like she has at LEAST a dozen eggs under her!
Other than being ecstatic about hatching some chicks the old fashioned way, I have a question...the roo is a BR & he's been actively servicing ALL the hens (even the 3 yr old 'mascot'). He is also the only roo I have. Are my chickies going to be banties, LF or a mixture of both?
I'm hoping they end up being bigger than banties, even if they arent quite as big as BR. I do want some for the freezer though, so I guess it doesnt really matter as long as there is some meat on the bones!
Here's a pic of the banty hen:

You can swap out some of her eggs. Take out some of hers and replace with the BR eggs. She will probably get mad at you but you might be able to do it at night or when she steps off to get a drink.
I four roos and they service all my hens. So I never know what I am going to get when I hatch!! I have had three Ameracuna eggs and three different chicks, kinda the fun of it. I also had two broody hens at the same time, and they would take turns sitting on eachothers nest, cute!! Enjoy!
Lucky I am waiting for a broody and I can't get one. I have a bantam rooster over all my hens so if I ever do get a broody I will be hatching out some mutts I can't wait to see what they look like. I am going to use the extra rooster for freezer camp.
Crud...I didn't think of that. I was just so happy to have a broody, all intellect just flew out the window! If she's been on them for a week already, it's too late to do that, right?
Caught her off the nest (and so did Theodore...) and got this pic:

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