I got a new pullet and she isn’t doing well this morning!


Sep 1, 2017
Hello everybody, my name is Sage and I am from Australia, and yesterday I purchased a POL Isa Brown. Yesterday she was doing good, eating, scratching around ect. (She is staying with my Australorp pullet) But this morning Beverly isn’t acting herself. I haven’t seen her eat, barely interested in grass and I’ve caught her a few times sitting down and sleeping. Anyone have any idea what’s wrong with her? Is she missing her friends at her old home?
Thank you!
Hello everybody, my name is Sage and I am from Australia, and yesterday I purchased a POL Isa Brown. Yesterday she was doing good, eating, scratching around ect. (She is staying with my Australorp pullet) But this morning Beverly isn’t acting herself. I haven’t seen her eat, barely interested in grass and I’ve caught her a few times sitting down and sleeping. Anyone have any idea what’s wrong with her? Is she missing her friends at her old home?
Thank you!

Her yesterday.

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