I got tired of waiting...


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
I've been asking my hubby for a little over a week to make my chicks a roost for in their brooder. I started thinking how hard could it be?! So I went out into the garage and 20 mins later I had made this. Nothing fancy but it is my first time using an electric saw, drill and sander. Hubby won't like I did it with him not being home but tough, I got tired of waiting! LOL Astrid was the first to try it out.

Thanks to an ice storm last winter, we have a bumper crop of branches...and snapped saplings...at our place! Now if we can get a single dry day to gather them! Welcome to the Great Northwet, oh, I mean Northwest. Wettest March on record, and for us, that's saying something!


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