I had quite a surprise while cleaning the coop!! Can you guess?

I can only imagine what the tarantula must have been thinking. "Yuck AaaaHHhhhhh
crab nasties I touched a human. I'm going to need a bath and get the germs off of me. I can't believe I survived, I not going to ever be okay ever again. Humans I just hate humans, I need a hug".
Lucky! I remember playing with tarantulas when I was growing up in Southern California. Awesome creatures. Sadly, I'm somewhat allergic to their hairs, so I minimize handling them these days.
Hi Kev. I was just trying to get everyone in the mood with that pic
We have the big brown ones in my neck of the woods. I have a big one living under one of the mats in the horse stall. We find them out on the property from time to time. A couple of times we've discovered one squished in the track of our sliding door
They don't normally gross me out....but I would prefer knowing when I'm going to have one drop on me
We were raised to name the spiders that wove webs in the corner of our bedrooms. I am far more grossed out by roaches! Now THAT would have made my jump!!

OOPs sorry.. missed your intent. Yea, butter them up with those huge soul melting, soft eyes...... must pet... cuddle...

Decades ago, had one for a pet and kept in my bedroom. But it got out and my mom accidentally stepped on it........ Poor Varney(the tarantula)!

Just wait until a centipede drops on you... they have many more legs to hug you with!
What a cool web site. (NOT FOR ONES WITH SPIDER FEARS) I am very partial to Yellow Argiope spiders myself. We had one years ago that lived out in the back field in Vancouver WA. It was a beautiful shade of brilliant yellow. I have to say that I don't allow spiders to sleep with me, but otherwise I am not inclined to harm them either, they have to great of a beneficial roll in the environment controlling other populations of insects. I also know that I like hairy spiders, and or tarantulas, better than smooth ones. Most of these little guys just want to be left alone.

Yes that was a quite good page huh? Learned some new things such as Pholcus spiders not being native- those are very very common here. Yellow sacs also extremely common but never knew what they were called until finding that page.. Cool. Only saw agriope once, could not believe how big they are! And beautiful too like you said..
BLECH! I'll take mosquitoes and Palmetto bugs any day over a tarantula. I try my best not to kill any spider, don't get me wrong. . . but there would have been a "me, running and screaming" shaped silhouette in the coop wall.

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