I had to giggle, " most aggressive dogs"

I bet number 3 was a yorky..... Remember it says most Aggressive not most Dangerous.

2 years ago I was sitting on my tailgate at a swimming hole talking to a preschool aged girl. The child's harmless pet pit was sitting by us watching the other kids play in the water 20 or so feed away. The dog suddenly jumped unprevoced an tried to rip the girls face off. She had blood from her hairline to her chin. It would have killed her if I was not there. As usual I had a gun on my hip an the parents had me shoot the dog right there. From then on it makes me sick to see people let there kids have large dogs. I cant see having a family pet that I would be scared of myself it it did turn. A Chihuahua is a crazy dog but even a 2 year old can over power an kill them if they needed to.

I have Pugs by the way.
Dachshunds were bred to go down into dark holes in the ground and confront badgers face to face. A lot of people get bitten on the face by getting "face to face" with a dachshund and setting off the dog's fight drive. Trying to "kiss" a dachshund you don't know, or retieve one from under furniture is a dumb idea.

Jack Russells are just plain crazy aggressive. They were bred for rodent control, and they'll fight anything smaller than a school bus if thy get it into their heads to do so. I used to work with a protection dog trainer who had GSDs "for work" and Jack Russells as "house pets" (his wife bred the darn things); he always said it was a good thing JRs were so small, because if they were any bigger they'd be more dangerous to have around than a tiger. He often had to pry a JR off the hind end of his rather tolerant GSDs. That's gotta be the definition of crazy, a 10 lbs terrier with a brain the size of a walnut attacking a 90 lbs GSD for the heck of it.
I agree. And an Australian Shepherd is not even an Australian breed!

Is it just me, or is there no number 3 in that slideshow? My guess would be cocker spaniel for number 3. I worked in vet clinics years ago and Cocker's were in their height of popularity. I dreaded having to work with them because they were so likely to snap and bite. Don't get me wrong - I also met some sweet Cocker's, but the vast majority were horrible little dogs.

It is definitely not an Australian Shepherd. I have family that raises them and they don't look like that (though the tri-color is the same). ACDs can be solid...not common and obviously not show quality, but I have seen tri-colored ACD with small patches of blue merle. In fact, I have one that looks nearly identical to the dog in the slide. However, ours has a blue merle belly with black spots oppose to the tan belly of the dog in the slide. Aside from that, they look identical. However, I would not argue if someone told me that was a mix given the lack of extensive merle. But, build, etc is most definitely ACD (not all are as stocky as the perfect show quality dogs).
That dog in the slide may be a mix as well. Many people who breeds for herding instinct do not breed for show quality, so that can complicate it too.

As for the list itself...I think that herding/hunting instinct may be confused with aggression. And, of course, not all dogs of each breed is aggressive. I have an ACD (mix?), Australian Shepherd/American Pit Bull (50-50 parents were purebred) and a BC mutt. My mom raises BCs and has a German Shepherd/pit mix. All are great dogs. However, I am very happy to see breeds listed above the pits. They get a bad rep, when not all are aggressive. Dachshund being number one was definitely not expected!
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#3 is Jack Russell Terriers and #10 is German Shepherds (I looked up the study since I was curious as well). I was surprised that poodles were not listed since they have an aggressive reputation as well. I LOVE your statement about "most aggressive, not most dangerous"! Very well said!

I agree that dog breeds (in general...not just large breeds) need to be carefully considered if children are present. Especially if it is a breed that the family not accustom to owning or an older adopted dog with an unknown history. However, I will say that of all of our dogs, our pit/australian shepherd is the best with kids. Of course we wouldn't leave her unattended with children, but I will say that if kids are present, she is the one that I trust the most based on her own actions and history. However, if I had kids, I bet my DH would agree on a lab, golden retriever or similar since they are commonly the most reliable breed. I could not see us owning a small dog though.
Well I can see just why that big goofy dog is attacking your hubby,Red, he is tickling the poor things arm pits geesh I would attack also

thats one nice look Mastiff, can I have it? it would go nicely with my beast LOL.
I would be curious with such a study also.
I have seen this in sibling dogs before also.
one sweet as candy the other so vicious you just wanted to boot it into a wall.( not done but ohhh the temptation)
I have always wondered is it genetic, temperament or just misfiring neurons?
Jealousy is/would be a huge motivating factor also I would think.

I have watched these 2 for the past week now and as long as it is Gizmo ( barking rat) and Thunder(G Mal) playing they are great together, play nice, be goofy together.
BUT the minute I or one of the family members sits down where Gizmo can get in a lap , its a whole different story, he can go from playing nice to 2 lbs of teeth in 2.2 seconds.
protective, jealous? hard to say,I lean more toward jealous and put him on the floor immediately. I dont tolerate the napoleon syndrome from 2lbs of dog and wont tolerate the pushy bossiness of the Malamute either.

I keep telling both dogs, I have a fly swatter and know how to use it lol.
in the past few weeks both dogs have seen what a fly swatter does to flies and neither like the sharp noise of the smack on the fly body , so all I have to do is mention it or pick it up and I have 2 angels lol. silly as it sounds they respect that small piece of plastic lol.
Here's my agressive Akita and her buddy.

Her method of aggression, peeing. The lab does a fairly decent job as a watch dog, unless the intruder has a ball, then all bets are off.

This here is our Head of Security.

Don't laugh. He's very good. He was trained by my Norwegian Elkhound when he was a kitten. He sleeps where he can watch the front door and the stairs. He runs to the door when doorbell rings and he'll be in the shadows watching non-family. Overnight guests are not allowed to walk past my bedroom at night. They hear growling and golden eyes staring at them in the dark. He doesn't give warning hisses, but he has barked. We always have to warn people not to pet the black cat. Don't believe the wide-eye, who-me, innocent look he's giving you in the picture, it's all a ploy to catch you off guard.
Well I can see just why that big goofy dog is attacking your hubby,Red, he is tickling the poor things arm pits geesh I would attack also

thats one nice look Mastiff, can I have it? it would go nicely with my beast LOL.

Hes packing up his bones now...he'll be there in an hour...
*warning..his name is Major Paine for a reason... *

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