I hate this time of night.

Because I'm adorable and amusing.
*Follows like the loyal pet she is*

Come on eenie, time for your walk...

And the evil Em the Elder said it was my day.

btw, nice dogtag earrings! You make them yourself? very nice...

yes, you can bring your stuffed bunny.

Oh, goodie. *Folllows*
Yes, thank you.

*Follows like the loyal pet she is*

Come on eenie, time for your walk...

And the evil Em the Elder said it was my day.

btw, nice dogtag earrings! You make them yourself? very nice...

yes, you can bring your stuffed bunny.

Finally you take her on her walk. I had to let her out of her crate today...forgot that didja?
hahahaha! Too funny!
Well, seems we missed all the late night action....all 11 pages of it!

Whiteflare.... the droughts have been terrible havn't they? I remember being back there in 08 (Qld) soooo dry and severe water restrictions.
When I got back here, I was on the lookout for rainwater tanks..none to be found! It's only this year I have found some..mostly rain barrells to collect water for the garden..but sheesh! People don't do enough to conserve water. One place..um Cape Coral I think it was, it is illegal to collect rainwater!
They want you to pay for it (ie city water) I collect rainwater for my fishtanks mostly and potted plants. The city water has 5 times more chlorine in it than a swimming pool! it was burning my tomato plants. Let alone drinking it!
I get bottled water all the time.
And don't even talk to me about the recycling! Not many people here do it..even though a bin is provided. I even heard that even though they collect it it is all burned anyhow...I just don't get it.
I hope the weather has evened out for you guys over there and no more floods.

Yeah, I had a little giggle in math.
Yeah, I'm glad I found some crazy all-nighters, or I'd get too lonely on here by myself

I know, water conservation is absolutely terrible! hardly anything's really being done about it - we've managed to get our water use down to the average for a one-person household with no garden (our garden is huge) by using buckets to collect rainwater, our tank, and saving vegetable-washing water to do things like mop the floor and flush the toilet. Toilets use a lot of water.

Yup, it's gotten a lot better recently, back to the usual 'overcast with a chance of rain'.

I'll reply to your PM in a minute, I'm really busy right now. *rushes around frantically*

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