I hate this time of night.

Hi, pinky head how are you
Lol no it's nothing like T.V. There's no one screaming at us and there aren't flames shooting up everywhere. It's really mellow for the most part.

I think it's cool that you try and make some extra cash. I got my first Job when I was 15 and I have worked ever since then. I think it prepared me to be on my own as an adult a lot better
Its been a long time since I've worked in a kitchen. I know what you mean about your co-workers being like family. I work from home now, true better $, but I miss the camaraderie .
I'd love to be able to do something I'm passionate about for my living, like you do.

What kind of stuff do you cook? Meals, desserts? Personally I'd constantly be wanting to eat the stuff I plated up

I got the job last September, I was 14
I actually applied in May, and had no idea who this guy was when he called me offering the job!

Yes, at least I have some deposits for when I'm going to move out!
I'm good java head, how are you???

Java head? Hehe, that's a good one

People used to call me Mr. Chooks. It was a weird nickname, to be hoenst
We definitely get irritated with eachother but I guess I wouldn't trade em for anything. I mean I don't have to wake up and think to myself ," oh god, I have to avoid so-and-so". I have had jobs like that and it's a terrible feeling
I'd love to be able to do something I'm passionate about for my living, like you do.

What kind of stuff do you cook? Meals, desserts? Personally I'd constantly be wanting to eat the stuff I plated up

I got the job last September, I was 14
I actually applied in May, and had no idea who this guy was when he called me offering the job!

Yes, at least I have some deposits for when I'm going to move out!

We do breakfast, lunch, and private catering for a payroll company. Anything they want we will make!

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