I hate this time of night.

Yeah they have a personality like no other. Very single minded and totally clownish. Just look up YouTube videos of bully runs. Actually there's a video called "getting home is so exciting!" or "coming home is so exciting". It's got a bt in it that completely sums up the breed, lol.

Btw staffys are sooooooo cute
I have photos i posted before.. i have BS.. RIR..Black Aus new hamp.. and one chick no one really knows what it is..

I have some black Aus bantams...love em! Very vocal and seem to be great sitters. Thinkin about getting some standards to go with them.
yeah the exotic one cause hes taller and stands different then the rest and has longer leggs, the one we dont knwo what is it.. its called leggs..

then we have rocky.. jumper.. buzzby.. penguin.. hooligan.. naming them by their actions.. one of the black aus, is so sweet and loves to be help a lot lo its penguin..shes the black and white on in this photo and then the exotic one is in mikes hand


Aw yeah, that one's so cute!! I absoltuely love its patterns, that's going to be one pretty bird when it grows up

That's such a cute name!

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