I hate this time of night.

Yeah I do! I hate the new digital conversion. It's harder for me to get reception now that they've done that. It's really frustrating. Like, the sound just cuts out and it gets all pixelated and it's not even watchable. At least with over the air stuff you could move around the antenna until you at least get constant sound
We've never had that problem, that's weird!
Only with ABC news 24, but that channel was going through some financing issues so we weren't very surprised. Do you live in the country? We're in the suburbs, reception is pretty good.

What can you watch?
I attempted a joke...implying that I was the big, hairy guy in your library.

My joke failed! Haha!

How's it goin?
I attempted a joke...implying that I was the big, hairy guy in your library.

My joke failed! Haha!

How's it goin?

OHH!!! No, it's okay, I'm just the one who doesn't get jokes easily. People always have to explain, and then by then it's not funny anymore

I'm not too bad, I have a pretty lengthy email to reply to which I should probably start!

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