I have 20 facts about chickens, with pictures. I think you guys will like it.


8 Years
Sep 22, 2015
I have 20 facts about Beautiful Birds (chickens)

Records for chickens

1. The most yolks record in a shell is 9.
2. The most eggs layed in a day is 7.
3. The longest record of flight for a chicken is 13 sec.

Facts about chickens.

4. Chickens don't have stomachs.
5. A chicken's brain is the size of a quarter.
6. Chickens can recognize over 100 people and animals,
Matilda is the oldest chicken in the world. She would be 26 yrs old, but i dont know if shes still alive.
8. Chickens left legs are tastier then the right.

9. For every person theres 5 chickens.
10. there are 325 billion chickens in the world, 78 Billion in the Us. 122 Billion in China, and 125 Billion in the rest of the world.
11. for every rooster theirs 7 humans and for every rooster theirs 22 hens
12. a chickens heart, beats more than 300 times a min.
13. chickens have been domesticated for over 8000 yrs.
14. chickens are the closest relative to the T-Rex.
15. it takes 14 to 26 hrs. to produce an egg.
16. one time a chicken got its head cut off and it survived 18 months HEADLESS!!!
17. a headless chicken can run as far as a football field long before falling down.
18. chickens can't swallow stuff upside down.
19. a chicken with red earlobes will produce brown eggs wile white earlobes will produce white eggs.
20. chickens have combs and wattles
to manage their temp.

If you have any commits or questions for me please post it, be free to post pics of your pets.

Pictures of chickens






I like the facts...cool stuff

since you said to post pics of my lady's
just a fantom rooster that hangs out with my lady's...I liked the picture...
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