I have 4 mareks exposed chickens NEED to find home


9 Years
Jan 6, 2013
Indian Lake, Ohio
I don't know if this will even be possible but I just can't cull. I have a pretty white silkie roo who is 1year and wasn't vaccinated. 1 year old partridge silkie hen, vaccinated. 2 ee's I recently got who are I'm going to say at least 18 weeks, give or take. Not laying yet.

Would anyone who has mareks be willing to take them? I'm in Ohio and I have to move and can't take them.
Hi - yes, I've had losses from it. I did clean my coop with Virkon-s which says it kills it, but you can't really ever get rid of it, especially if your birds were exposed, they will always be carriers.

I am probably moving and must find them a home because they can't go with me unfortunately.
have you had mareks? You realize she will be a carrier since she's been exposed? I need to make sure before I would do anything to risk other peoples chickens.

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