I have a bald baby.

Well I am convinced that something genetic is going on. I now have 3 baldies. I also know the source so one of my hens will be moved. She is my roosters sister. I tracked the boy I bought them from down. So apparently brother sister breeding does make a difference.
Well done on tracking him down. At least you now know it is not environmental and easily fixed.

Even though they are very adorable, you probably do not want too many more
Well done on tracking him down.  At least you now know it is not environmental and easily fixed.

Even though they are very adorable, you probably do not want too many more ;)
No we don't need anymore. The 3 are enough. We are worried about survival once we move them outside. Hubby is working on an insulated pen for them. However, he is not convinced that they still won't freeze this winter. Right now they are still in my brooder room in the house under lamps. Streak is getting to big to stay in there much longer...so we will see.
I've actually experienced an interesting genetic anomaly myself, mine involves toes. Years ago, I was given a hen missing her middle toenails. Skip ahead to last winter, I decided to hatch a dozen of my eggs, since I had just gotten rid of my rooster. Only one chick hatched, turned out he was a rooster missing his middle toenails. I had no doubt who that chick came from. He turned out to be a model citizen rooster, so I've kept him around, he only crows once in the morning that I am aware of and my neighbors have not complained. Well I recently discovered a nest full of eggs in the yard, I had no idea who laid them all since they were all different. I suspected some of them because all of my hens have unique eggs. Anyway, I put them in the bator and they just hatched, the last chick to hatch actually has shorter middle toes. So I suspect that this chick inherited to no toenail genes and it manifested as short toes. But I also know that this must be a recessive gene because all of the other chicks have middle toenails.
[/IMG] Buff , streak, and Naki are growing well and making a shambles of the brooder box. I think streak likes to play games because he is always putting paper in the drink bowl. However, he is good with all the new hatches. He is now about 3 months old and loving his family.

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