I have a bald baby.

I am sad to tell everyone Streak, Buff,and Naki passed today. It was an accidental poisoning. I had a mouse in the house and put out poision , I never thought about the mouse going to the chicken bowl as a water source. Well it did and I had 3 dead birds and a dead mouse in the box. They had pecked the mouse and I reckon it was enough to poision them too. Lesson learned about Rats, poison, and chickens....its traps from now on.
That is such a sad thing, I hope something like that does not happen to you again. Poison is poison, so I stay away from it.
I never thought about it until this happened...so glue boards and traps from now on. I never figured on my birds eating or pecking mice...my dogs I worried about because they are nosey so I put it where they couldn't get it....I didn't think about the natural food chain between birds and mice.
So sorry for your loss. Aww, poor babies. I was so excited looking at the updated pictures and post until now. So sad.
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What an awful tragedy! I'm so very sorry!

I sympathize and completely understand. Several years ago I lost two healthy hens due to my stupidity and failure to anticipate the actions of my chickens. I had treated a planter full of cut worms with insecticide and didn't think about what would happen when I watered that plant. Chickens are drawn to drink from puddles, and you know the rest.

I've lost more chickens due to my stupidity than from illness. They should list human stupidity as a primary danger to the health of chickens.

Should-das. I'm sure you wish you could have a do-over. I sure do.
@georgiayankee I'm so sorry for your loss. No matter how it happens, losing them is always tough.
Really sorry to hear about the loss of your little guys. I enjoyed reading about them and seeing how they were growing. I only use traps n cats here for rodent patrol as we've to many livestock n animals around.

Having worked for an Equine and agricultural vet for yrs I know what to do for poisoning should I come across it n can catch it early enough. But the survival rates aren't always great, and it can take animals a very long time to recover.

I always keep Pharmaceutical grade charcoal n glycerin around in large quantities in the farm just in case as I cant guarantee the neighboring farm wont use poisons for things.

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