I have a big backyard, how can I utilize that to make some money?


11 Years
Jan 9, 2009
I am home from summer and do not have any income since I work a volunteer job. Cash is running low and I want to be entrepreneurial and do something with my 2 acre backyard. Whether it be growing something / selling it or building something / selling it, I want to be productive with my time and make some money.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could be doing to make myself some money?

Ex) Growing tomatoes and selling them to a farm stand.
Or building honey beehives and selling them.

I appreciate your help everyone!
Grow herbs, vegtable starts . Your farm stand is a good idea. Craft items sell well some places.
Where in CT are you?? I know that MCC has a farmer's market that you can apply to sell at (it costs like $150 though) that starts in July and goes through October (sell pumpkins?).

You could sell plants too, not just fruits/veggies.

Hives might work but I'm not sure what the market is like for that. I'd imagine that chicken tractors or rabbit hutches would be more worthwhile.
Instead of building hives I would start a few hives and sell the honey. A quart of honey goes for 8 dollars here and probably 12 where you are at.
Mushrooms, how about those? You need wood/logs/straw and mushroom spores.


I've been thinking of this myself!

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