I have a chance to get some, free leghorns but..


11 Years
Mar 3, 2011
I just am haveing some douts, I heard they can be agressive, is this true. some people told me they do not take well to other breeds. I need some advice please,,,,,,,
I have a brown leghorn, 3 month old chick. She is shy, but not mean with the other chicks and chickens. She is definitely more shy than the rest of them.
Henderson's says they are nervous and usually avoid human contact. Mine ran from anything, me, a small strange noise, treats thrown out for the others, you name it. When I had to pick one up off the roost, the only way I could get near them, she would scream and fight. That said, people do get lap/pet Leghorns -- though if these are adults I think that's unlikely. Mine weren't aggressive to other chickens, though; more likely to run away.
I have 3 and they seem skittish. They keep their distance from me but are absolutely fine with the other hens. Mine aren't agressive at all. Just quiet and fast little runners!
I have few white leghorns that live right alongside several other breeds. No problems. They're super egg layers and relatively quick molters.


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