I have a house chicken..what is all the dust in my room?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Happy our rooster lives in my bedroom.Hes in a huge dog cage.I noticed theres dust like all over my desk and tv..And its never been like this..Is this coming from the feed?or what?Is it bad to sleep in there?Thanks

Its imposiable to put him outside because we live in an apartment.

No rude remarks plz
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Could be the feed, depends on what you are feeding him. Could be the bedding, especially if you use shavings. But chickens do produce dander just like dogs and cats. Most likely it is a combination of all of these. It's never good to breath in dust so you should dust and clean the room thoroughly pretty often.
I am going to say its dander.
For the first time I have terrible dander from a group of chickens in the grower pen in the garage.
I have brooded alot of chickens and had way more in that pen at times than I do now and never had this much dust.
I think it depends on the chickens.
When you clean use a damp or went cloth to clean it up or it will just be pushed around, its not a good idea to be breathing it in.
Maybe you can also put an air purifier in that room as well to help.
It's mainly dander... seems like it's worst when new feathers are growing in but there will always be *some*. This is only one of the reasons why chickens have never been highly popular housepets

Try to keep things as vacuumed and wiped-up as possible, and maybe keep the door to that room shut, since a) dust is never good for you and b) more exposure equals more chance of developing (or discovering) allergies.

Have fun,

I had the dust when I had my chicks inside the house! I decided it was from the pine shavings and them fluffing all around in there and mixing it up.........just a thought!
Is he on shavings? I had thick layers of dust when I had guinea pigs and they don't produce much dander so a lot of it can be from the bedding and food. A less dusty bedding like pellets or paper based can help a lot. Otherwise birds do just produce more dander and dust than most other pets.

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