i have a pip! PHOTOS PG 1 - UPDATE!

aww there so cute. congrats and i hope you like them. Based on the color you said the 2 black ones are gonna be brown red and the blue one are gonna be lemon blues
thanks J. - i love them!
i've put some bird toys in with them, mirrors with little bells and such, and they have such fun playing! they are so cute.
i can't wait to see how they change as they grow

they are already very friendly.

thanks again for the eggs! (are you going to hatch any yourself?)

no problem. i have 46 eggs in my bator and 5 are moderns but i think im only gonna get 3-4. and my lemon blue pullet went broody on 5 eggs also. but tommarow is day 18 for my bator hatch so cross yer fingers and wish me luck
that's awesome!
good luck!!!

please post updates and pics as the babies start hatching!!!
it's so eggsiting
and yes, they are tiny! but moderns are pretty small birds in general. once grown they've got those long supermodel legs which make them look a bit bigger then they really are.

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