i have a stoat problem !

joe the chicken

In the Brooder
Dec 11, 2016
a week or so ago something started tunnelling under my coop fence then my chicken started to bled so i started using rat poison and then i found a dead stoat should i be concerned, do stoats live in groups?
A stoat being a small weasel? I was not aware that weasels would eat rat poison. Are you sure that is what it was?

Unless it was following rats and mice into the coop and they ate the poison and it ate them and the poison passed through.

Back to your original question, normally weasels are more solitary and do not hand out in groups. But solution is to install an apron of some type that whatever it was cannot dig through again. Hardware cloth or small sized welded wire?
thank you for the advice and yes it was definitely a stoat, unfortunately it killed 2 of my bantams before it took the poison

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