I have a swedish duck who has pipped early,can I feed it chick starter


12 Years
Jun 6, 2007
I have a swedish duck egg who has pipped early( day 24), I thought they weren't supposed to start until day 28, but anyways, I only have chick starter right now as the feed store is closed. Can I feed it that until I can get to the feed store?

Yes, you can for a day or two.

It won't be interested in food for a day or so after hatch. Not until it is dry and gains some strength. My ducks slept mostly off and on for 18 - 24 hours. They were interested in water first. It was day 2 before they tried to eat. They will actually do better that first day of eating to have finely chopped spinach, lettuce and grass floated in water. I always add some yogurt to the mix too.

It can still go 36 hours or more after pipping before it hatches.

Good luck!
Make sure it's not medicated feed

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