I Have A Young Hen, My Rooster Mated With Her & She's Not Currently Laying


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2016
Northern California
Hi I have a question, I have a young hen who's not currently laying. She's with a Rooster but he doesn't attempt to step on (mate) with her. However just yesterday while my husband let them out to free range for a bit. .my other Rooster mated with her, my question is will she now produce fertile eggs from this rooster once she starts to lay?



The picture of the black and white Rooster is the one who mated with her; The picture of the multi-colored Rooster is the Rooster who didn't mate with her but she's residing with in the same coop. She's the little white hen with the multi-colored Rooster. Her name is Sandee.
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Honestly, she doesn't look that close to laying to me. I don't think you'd have to worry about her first eggs being fertile, I think they're still a good month away.

What is your concern about fertile eggs? If you're housing a hen with a rooster, pretty much all of your eggs are going to be fertile.
I don't think she is part Langshan. I see no partial leg feathering at all.

While a particular fertilized egg can only have one father, a hen can produce eggs fertilized by different males if she has been bred by them. It isn't all or nothing. Your pullet will possibly produce black chicks if bred by the white male if he truly has a Columbian color pattern, and probably black and blue chicks with some color leakage if bred by the multi colored one. At least I think he looks like he is blue?
Thanks Birds4Kids
I wasn't sure so I thought I'd ask. Sandee my little white hen hasn't started laying yet but Peep Peep the black and white Easter Egger did breed with her. My husband and I weren't quick enough to stop him, not that he would've stopped anyhow. I was curious if she had started laying weather they would be 100% Fertile or not. I'm not sure the breed Sandee is the man I bought her from said she was Langshen and white Jersey Giant. I got her in October of last year. She's petite and it just doesn't seem fitting to me, she's pictured above she's the little white hen.
Oh I have no worries about fertile eggs, but I wanted to get some chicks by my multi-colored Rooster pictured with my little white hen. It's just that the wrong rooster got to her and I was wandering if her eggs would be fertilized by the white rooster and if I lost the chance for my multi-colored to fertilize her eggs. I wasn't sure just how that works.
Keesmom: The Columbian Colored is an EE (Easter Egger) The picture isn't all that great, sorry about that my phone takes really poor pictures. If I get a chance I'll post better pics. The multi-colored is also an EE (Easter Egger) it's funny you said he's bluish because he is a mixture of blue-brownish red for the saddle and his neck feathers are a yellowish with blue. He's very very gorgeous. So is the white and both have orangish red eyes. I didn't realize more than one Rooster could fertilize different eggs. Thank you so much for pointing that out and bringing that to my attention I feel better now and I appreciate everyone's advice and feedback.

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