I have been a stalker for quite some time...


Mar 3, 2015
Good evening. It's time to say hello! I have stalked this forum for far to long. I have learned a lot from all of you. I grew up on a 52 acre farm and had many kinds of animals. I moved away from the farm when I was 18 and decided to explore this great country of ours. I'm just now starting to farm again after many years. I have two horses, 3 dogs, lots of cats (cats and dogs are all neutered or spayed), 1 chinchilla, 2 older buff orpingtons and 26, 3 day old chicks of various breeds. Enough about me for now! Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I am so grateful for the combined expertise on this site! Namaste

You contributed in the other thread of mine, and I wanted to come give you the official welcome!!! I also lurked for a few years before making an account about a month ago. I love this community, and glad you have officially joined like me!

Good luck with your 26 chicks! Holy moly! What breeds???
Thank you all for the warm welcome! Unfortunately I am down to 25. I have no idea what happened! They were all acting fine, running around eating, drinking, peeping and lots of naps. I am at a loss for words. It's just as if she laid down and went to sleep. She was a Buckeye. Their brooder temp is about 95, they are on organic feed, I change their water 3 times or more each day and change out any soiled bedding. I just don't understand. She was one of about 10 that had some pasty butt but I cleaned them up and they seemed fine. Oh my heart hurts, this is just devastating to me. To answer the question of breeds, I have 1 Buckeye left, 2 Buff Brahma Roosters (because apparently they don't mind sharing their coop with each other), 3 Buff Brahma, 4 Barred rock, 3 Light Brahma, 3 Black Jersey Giant, 3 Golden Laced Wyandotte, 3 Black Australorp and 3 Speckled Sussex.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about the loss of your Buckeye :hugs hope the rest do well for you. Sometimes chicks have internal problems you can't see, or shipping stress catches up with them and you lose them unexpectedly.
Thank you Mountain Peeps and Kelsie. I was hoping to avoid any unnecessary stress due to shipping, so I drove 3 hours round trip and picked them up. It must have been something internal because she was absolutely perfect on the outside. Clear eyes, no goop or anything around her mouth or nostrils, and her fluffy butt was clean.

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