I have built a new coop for my chickens and yesterday they moved inside!


Apr 29, 2022
Tromsø, Norway
I bought a playhouse and insulated it under the floor, the walls and roof. I then laid sheet vinyl on the floor and covered walls and roof with regular wall panels. I also installed one 180 watt tube heater under the roost and I hope that keeps the temperature over freezing for them at night. I also hope the ventilation is enough. One of the small windows on top are without glass and I also have installed a bathroom fan. They have lived in an eglu cube, and I moved that inside the coop so they can use it if they want.
They seemed a bit scared and stressed when I put them inside the coop yesterday, but after a while they seemed very content and this morning they didn't even go outside for several hours after their door opened! I hope they will be happy.


Thr pictures above are from before I put up the panels.

This is from after they moved inside!

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